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Foxbridge College

Foxbridge College is the largest and most prestigious educational institution on Ynys. It was founded several hundred years ago, but has expanded greatly in recent decades due to the patronage of King Beornric the Shrewd to become the center of scholarship in the Northeastern Region. While other institutions such as the Coleg Cerddorion are still considered the best in their areas of specialty, no other institution is as well-regarded for a full education.

The College is named for the Foxbridge, a major landmark in the city of Wulfrun that is near the center of the college's campus. The bridge is known for the large statue of Tod the Fox which stands at the apex. In the statue, the legendary rebel is depicted wearing a hooded cloak and fox mask lifted just enough to see a sly grin.

Students from all over Ynys and beyond attend Foxbridge, and many of the nobles of the younger generation have formed longstanding friendships and alliances while they were students there. This is most pronounced among the northern kingdoms of Ynys; many of the nobles in the south choose to attend Foxbridge's biggest rival, Sonnigtal College in Creoda. Still, even some of the nobles of Creoda choose Foxbridge over Sonnigtal, possibly due to the sinister rumors that still cling to the latter school.

The college is also the home of the Lorekeepers of Foxbridge. This organization was founded by Beornric in his youth, and serves as the Kingdom of Bernicia's intelligence agency. They are headquartered in the College Library, and are under the direct authority of Princess Cyneburh, who holds the position of Provost of Foxbridge. Additionally, their work is aided by the Librarian, a small god that the Lorekeepers managed to manifest using the techniques of the long-defunct Godcrafter's Guild. The true nature of the Lorekeepers and the Librarian are not widely known, although other intelligence agencies are aware of their activities.

Educational, University


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