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"When I was admitted to the court at Dunwulf, they welcomed me with a feast where they served my grandmother's stew, a childhood favorite. I don't have the recipe for that stew - but they did." - Eldric Eafasson, Creodan Ambassador to Bernicia.

Dunwulf is one of the largest cities in northern Ynys, and is the capital of Bernicia. King Beornric the Shrewd keeps his court there, and the city is a constant hive of diplomatic activity, with ambassadors from all over Ynys and beyond coming and going. It is built on the south bank of the River Wulfrun, on the border with Deira. It is also only a few days journey from the town of Moorford on the River Severin, which is the largest trade artery on the island.

The best known institution in Dunwulf is Foxbridge College. Foxbridge is the largest and most prestigious educational institution on Ynys, and it is the center of scholarship in the northeastern portion of the Great Ring. It is named for the major bridge over the Wulfrun, which has a large statue of Tod the Fox at its apex - the legendary rebel is depicted wearing a hooded cloak and fox mask lifted just enough to see a sly grin.

Foxbridge College is also the home of the Lorekeepers, an organization of scholars commissioned by the crown of Bernicia to collect and preserve all forms of knowledge. While they maintain a façade of pure academia, the Lorekeepers are actually an intelligence organization dedicated to safeguarding the kingdom's interests through a web of intricate operations and a vast repository of information. They are tasked with collecting, analyzing, and disseminating intelligence critical to the security and stability of Bernicia. Their agents infiltrate foreign courts, bustling marketplaces, and shadowy back alleys to gather information on neighboring kingdoms, potential threats, and emerging opportunities. Subterfuge and codebreaking are their craft, enabling them to intercept and decode encrypted messages that traverse the realm, unveiling hidden agendas and secret alliances.

At the heart of the Lorekeepers' operations is an extensive archive which houses a treasure trove of scrolls, parchments, and codices, each containing valuable insights into the politics, culture, and strategies of Bernicia and its neighbors. The organization's scholars and analysts pore over these documents, uncovering patterns, deciphering codes, and drawing connections that shape the kingdom's policies. They have even cultivated a genius loci of the Archive itself and established a mystery cult worshiping this spirit, with the intent of gaining supernatural abilities to aid in the collection and analysis of all of this information. While little is known about this young god, it is sometimes referred to as 'The Librarian of Foxbridge'.

Dunwulf is also the headquarters of the Eiðbundinn mercenary company, which is the only remaining Dragonslayer Company which still operates as such. They are often employed by the Lorekeepers in some of their missions, since the structure of Dragonslayer companies make them well-suited to more unusual tasks than other military organizations.


The population of Dunwulf is primarily of the Biegen ethnicity, although there are notable populations of Eot, Albannach, and Inisir as well. Additionally, there is a constant flow of foreigners going in and out of the city, so the city has a very diverse atmosphere.


Beornric has historically used the city of Dunwulf as a training ground for his children, placing each of them into the position of Lord or Lady of Dunwulf in turn. The current occupant of the title is his youngest son Edgar. As Lord of Dunwulf, Edgar is given a free hand to run the city as he sees fit, under the eye of his father and the royal council. Beornric believes firmly in allowing his children to make mistakes, but Edgar has been in the role for nearly three years, and most believe he has learned his lessons well. He inherited most of the city's agencies from his elder siblings, and has maintained them in good order, and even made some improvements.


There are several notable neighborhoods in Dunwulf. The largest is the region immediately around Dunwulf Castle, where the royal family resides - this area is mostly populated by a mix of noble houses and foreign embassies. It is the most affluent part of the city, and the shops on Gilt Street are able to provide anything a shopper may desire, if they have the coin.

Another notable neighborhood is Foxbridge, home to Foxbridge College. This region is just south of Gilt Street, and is much less affluent than the castle district, but is still considered respectable. In addition to the College, this district has a number of boardinghouses and taverns that cater to the scholars and students at the college, as well as scribes and booksellers. It also has the artisan's quarter, where the city's smiths, cobblers, tailors, and other craftsmen can be found.

A third area of note is the docks along the river downstream of the castle district. It is dominated by commercial shipping on the Wulfrun, and has a large number of warehouses, sailor's taverns, and brothels. It is this area that the headquarters of the Eiðbundinn are located, as well as the local offices of the Kendari Couriers.

Finally, there is the neighborhood known as Fishtide. This is a slum district that abuts the docks, where narrow, winding alleys are lined with ramshackle huts. It is the most dangerous area of the city, where guards and the wealthy only enter in groups. The inhabitants of Fishtide are tight-knit and possess a strong sense of community, and many would choose to remain in their neighborhood even if they did have the means to move out.

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