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Kikai is the capital and major port of the island of Koa'ki. This city is a vibrant hub of culture and competition, where the Kaikai people have crafted their own distinct traditions and built upon the ancient foundations left by a forgotten civilization.   Kikai stands as a testament to the rich history of the Kaikai people. Once under the rule of the Tāngata of Atu Motu, the Kaikai rose against their oppressors under the fearless leadership of their warrior chief, Katoa. Since their rebellion, the Kaikai have developed their own vibrant culture, celebrating bravery, strength, and the love of games and competition. Despite tensions with the Tāngata, the Kaikai people have embraced their independence and flourished in the city they call home.   The city of Kikai showcases awe-inspiring architecture that captivates visitors from far and wide. The buildings, crafted from colossal yellow stone blocks over eighty feet on a side, predate the arrival of the Kaikai people. These massive structures are believed to have been constructed by a long-lost civilization. The buildings' interiors are cool and shaded, illuminated by the gentle play of light streaming through the open doorways. The absence of windows is compensated by the vast open doors, which allow the ocean breezes to pass through the building.   Within the ancient stone buildings of Kikai, the Kaikai people have constructed additional structures and levels. While the original structures are massive and awe-inspiring, the interiors offer vast spaces that the Kaikai have utilized. Within these colossal walls, smaller buildings, multi-level dwellings, and communal spaces have been erected, showcasing the resourcefulness and adaptability of the Kaikai people. These intricately designed structures, crafted from local materials, harmoniously blend with the ancient stone, creating a unique architectural tapestry that combines the grandeur of the past with the ingenuity of the present. The interiors of these buildings buzz with activity, serving as homes, meeting places, artisan workshops, and centers for cultural and social gatherings, weaving together the daily lives and aspirations of the Kaikai community.   The seemingly random placement of buildings along the coastline of Kikai hides a remarkable pattern. Maps of the city reveal that the structures form a broken spiral, suggesting that some buildings were lost to the encroaching sea. This layout adds to the mystery of the city's origins, leaving visitors and scholars alike fascinated by the ancient ruins hidden within its boundaries.   Beyond the city limits lies the Vaomatua, the sprawling jungle that envelops Koa'ki. The Kaikai people venture into this untamed wilderness, carefully harvesting exotic woods, rare spices, and potent medicinal herbs. The jungle teems with diverse and vibrant life, captivating explorers and attracting traders from across The Million Islands. The valuable resources obtained from the Vaomatua play a significant role in Kikai's economy and contribute to its reputation as a trade hub.


Kikai is a vibrant and diverse city, home to a population primarily composed of the Kaikai people. These proud individuals are renowned for their strength, bravery, and love for games and competition. The population also includes a small but growing number of individuals from other cultures, drawn to the bustling city for trade, employment, and the allure of the Kaikai way of life.


The government of Kikai, which holds authority over both the city and the island, is known as the Hānaukai Council. This esteemed council is formed by individuals who have previously proven their mettle and prowess as champions in the beloved games and tournaments that the Kaikai people hold dear. Recognizing the deep connection between skill, leadership, and the strength of character exhibited in these contests, the Kaikai have established a system where the most exceptional game champions are eligible to serve on the Hānaukai Council. The people elect which of the previous champions will lead them, selecting a new member whenever an existing member retires or dies. There are 17 members of the Hānaukai. This arrangement ensures that the governing body comprises individuals who not only possess strategic acumen but also embody the values of strength, bravery, and a deep understanding of the Kaikai culture. Through their collective wisdom and experience, the Hānaukai Council guides the city and the island, making decisions that shape the destiny of Kikai while honoring the traditions and aspirations of the Kaikai people.


Along the coastal areas, sturdy walls and watchtowers stand guard, ensuring early detection of approaching threats. Skilled Kaikai warriors, trained in combat and adept at guerrilla tactics, form a formidable defense force. The city's complex layout provides natural obstacles and advantageous positions for the defenders. In times of crisis, the council can mobilize the citizenry, fostering a strong sense of communal defense and resilience.


The city of Kikai boasts a remarkable infrastructure that harmoniously blends the ancient cyclopean buildings with the innovative constructions created by the Kaikai people. Within the colossal stone structures that form the framework of the city, the Kaikai have ingeniously crafted additional levels, smaller buildings, and functional spaces, showcasing their resourcefulness and adaptability.   One of the notable features of Kikai's infrastructure is the extensive network of docks and harbors that have been developed along the coastline. Taking advantage of the natural deep-water ports provided by the geography of Kikai, the Kaikai have constructed sturdy and well-equipped docks. These docks serve as vital hubs for maritime activities, facilitating bustling trade and efficient transportation of goods to and from the city. Ships from various corners of the Great Ring can be seen docking, unloading precious resources harvested from the lush Vaomatua jungle or carrying trade commodities that enrich the economy of Kikai.   Furthermore, the Kaikai have maximized the interior spaces within the ancient buildings. Inside the stone structures, new levels and interconnected structures have been meticulously built, forming a complex labyrinth of chambers, walkways, and communal areas. These additions provide additional living spaces, workshops for skilled artisans, market stalls showcasing local craftsmanship, and centers for cultural and social gatherings. The Kaikai people have deftly transformed the once-abandoned chambers into thriving quarters, where vibrant activities and daily life converge.


Kikai is a city defined by its massive buildings, each housing a district that operates as a village of its own within the city-state. These districts, known by their unique names in the Kaikai language, represent distinct communities within Kikai, each contributing a particular specialty or focus to the larger city. They not only support their local champions but also play an integral role in fostering the Kaikai spirit and preparing their representatives for the city-wide games that hold great cultural significance.   Pālana District: Located near the city center, Pālana district is the heart of governance and administration. It houses the council chambers and administrative buildings, serving as the hub for decision-making and political affairs. The community within Pālana District comprises skilled administrators, diplomats, and strategists who ensure the smooth functioning of the city-state. They provide support and guidance to the Hānaukai Council members during their leadership roles.   Hānai District: Known as the nurturing district, Hānai is home to healers, herbalists, and caretakers. This community specializes in traditional medicine, exploring the healing properties of the exotic flora found in the Vaomatua jungle. They provide support to the champions and athletes, ensuring their well-being and recovery during intense training and competitions. The Hānai District members work closely with the Hānaukai Council to ensure the champions' physical and mental well-being.   Malama District: Malama district represents the artisans and craftsmen of Kikai. Skilled in various forms of craftsmanship, including woodworking, sculpting, and weaving, this community creates exquisite pieces of art, intricate carvings, and finely crafted goods. They play a vital role in supporting the champions by designing unique equipment, ceremonial artifacts, and symbols of pride that represent the Kaikai culture during the games.   Hoʻomākaʻikaʻi District: The Hoʻomākaʻikaʻi district focuses on exploration and navigation. Its community consists of seasoned navigators, cartographers, and astronomers who possess an intimate knowledge of the archipelago's waters and celestial bodies. They provide guidance and navigational expertise to the champions during their quests and expeditions, ensuring their safe travels and helping them uncover hidden treasures or important information.   ʻŌlelo District: The ʻŌlelo district is dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Kaikai language and cultural traditions. Comprising linguists, storytellers, and historians, this community safeguards the oral traditions, myths, and legends of the Kaikai people. They provide linguistic and cultural guidance to the champions, helping them connect with their heritage and invoke the power of ancestral knowledge during the games.   Mahi'ai District: Mahi'ai district represents the agricultural community of Kikai. Farmers, gardeners, and botanists work diligently in this district, cultivating the fertile lands and harnessing the resources provided by the Vaomatua jungle. They supply fresh produce, herbs, and nourishment to the champions, ensuring their physical vitality and energy for the games.   Kālele District: The Kālele district is the realm of engineers and architects. This community excels in designing and constructing intricate structures, bridges, and mechanisms. They contribute to the construction and maintenance of the colossal buildings of Kikai, including the grand arena where the games take place. Their expertise supports the champions by creating innovative training facilities and ensuring the safety and functionality of the city's infrastructure.   Hōkū District: The Hōkū district is dedicated to astronomy and celestial observation. Astronomers and stargazers within this community possess deep knowledge of the night sky and celestial movements. They aid the champions by providing insights into auspicious celestial alignments and celestial events that may impact the outcome of the games.   Kālai District: The Kālai district is renowned for its skilled craftsmen and blacksmiths. Experts in metalworking, they forge exceptional weapons, armor, and tools for the champions. The Kālai community takes great pride in their craftsmanship, ensuring that the champions are equipped with the finest and most reliable equipment during their competitions.   Hānau District: The Hānau district celebrates family and community. It serves as a residential area for the families and loved ones of the champions. The tight-knit community provides emotional support, encouragement, and a sense of belonging to the champions. The Hānau District members organize events and gatherings to foster unity and camaraderie among the families, creating a strong support network for the champions.   Hōkūleʻa District: The Hōkūleʻa district is dedicated to watercraft and maritime expertise. Skilled sailors, boat builders, and navigators form this community, supporting the champions in aquatic competitions and sea voyages. Their knowledge of currents, tides, and wind patterns ensures the champions' success and safety when venturing into the vast ocean.   Mele District: The Mele district celebrates music, dance, and artistic expression. Musicians, dancers, and performers contribute to the vibrant cultural fabric of Kikai. They infuse the games and ceremonies with mesmerizing performances, inspiring the champions and elevating the overall atmosphere of celebration and competition.   Mahina District: The Mahina district is dedicated to the study and appreciation of the moon. Lunar scholars, poets, and philosophers form this community, exploring the moon's influence on the Kaikai culture and its connection to the games. Their wisdom and insights provide a deeper understanding of the moon's power and significance to the champions, guiding them in their quest for victory.   Kūkulu District: The Kūkulu district represents the construction and infrastructure specialists of Kikai. Architects, engineers, and builders in this community focus on the maintenance and development of the city's physical structures. They collaborate with the Kālele district and other skilled workers to ensure the structural integrity and continuous expansion of Kikai's magnificent buildings.   Nalu District: The Nalu district is devoted to the art of wave-riding and water sports. Surfers, swimmers, and water athletes excel in this community, honing their skills in the island's powerful and majestic waves. The Nalu District members provide training, guidance, and equipment for water-based competitions, supporting the champions in their aquatic endeavors.


Kikai possesses a wealth of valuable assets that contribute to its prosperity and reputation as a thriving city. The exotic woods, spices, and medicinal plants harvested from the Vaomatua jungle are highly sought after by traders, bringing wealth and economic opportunities to the city. The strategic location of Kikai as a major port along the Great Ring facilitates trade with neighboring islands and beyond, ensuring a steady influx of goods and cultural exchange.


The history of Kikai is etched in the weathered stones that make up the city's majestic buildings and whispered in the songs of the Kaikai people. Legend tells of an ancient civilization that once flourished on the island, leaving behind the cyclopean structures that now form the core of Kikai. The arrival of the Kaikai people marked a turning point in this history, as they made Kikai their home after a courageous rebellion against the ruling Tāngata of Atu Motu. Led by the legendary warrior chief, Katoa, the Kaikai successfully threw off the yoke of oppression and embarked on a path of self-governance and cultural renaissance. Over time, they infused their own customs, traditions, and vibrant spirit into the city, transforming it into a bustling center of games, tournaments, and camaraderie. In an act of defiance and reclaiming their autonomy, the Kaikai began engaging in raids upon Atu Motu, seeking to challenge the dominance of their former oppressors and assert their newfound strength and independence. These daring raids, growing bolder with each passing day, serve as a reminder of the Kaikai people's unwavering determination to safeguard their freedom and stand tall in the face of adversity. The history of Kikai is a testament to the resilience, bravery, and unwavering spirit of the Kaikai, as they strive to carve their own destiny in the annals of the Million Islands.

Points of interest

Kikai, the vibrant city nestled upon the island of Koa'ki, holds a tapestry of captivating points of interest that bewitch visitors and enrapture the Kaikai people alike. At the heart of the city lies the Great Arena, a magnificent structure open to the sky where the Kaikai hold their games. This bustling arena pulsates with energy and echoes with the cheers and roars of spectators, offering a captivating spectacle of strength, skill, and fierce competition. The city's massive yellow stone buildings, shrouded in mystery, form an architectural marvel and invite exploration. Their colossal interiors, adorned with intricate carvings and enigmatic symbols, house a labyrinth of smaller structures and levels crafted by the Kaikai themselves. Along the coastline, the buildings form a broken spiral, hinting at a lost history submerged beneath the sea. The Vaomatua, the lush and verdant jungle that stretches beyond the city, beckons adventurers with its enchanting allure. Within its depths lie ancient, buried structures waiting to be discovered, while the Kaikai harvest exotic wood, spices, and medicinal treasures from its embrace. As visitors wander the streets of Kikai, they encounter bustling markets brimming with colorful wares, vibrant street performances that showcase the city's artistic spirit, and welcoming taverns where tales of heroism and legends are shared over mugs of spiced mead. Kikai, a city alive with both history and the vibrancy of the present, offers a captivating array of points of interest that enthrall all who step foot within its boundaries.


The architecture of Kikai is a testament to the grandeur and mystery that envelops the city. The massive yellow stone buildings, constructed by a civilization lost to time, dominate the cityscape with their awe-inspiring presence. These cyclopean structures stand as silent guardians of the Kaikai people's history and identity. Adorned with intricate carvings and enigmatic symbols, they evoke a sense of ancient wisdom and hidden stories. While the buildings appear randomly scattered along the coastline, closer examination reveals a pattern of a broken spiral, hinting at a submerged past and lost treasures. Inside these colossal edifices, cool and shaded interiors greet the wanderer. Though lacking traditional windows, the massive open doorways allow the interplay of light and air, creating an otherworldly ambiance. Within the depths of these single-story buildings, the Kaikai have constructed their own levels and smaller structures, fashioning a labyrinthine world within. The juxtaposition of ancient stonework and the Kaikai's intricate craftsmanship produces a captivating blend of history and innovation. The architecture of Kikai serves as a tangible testament to the city's rich past and the resilience of its people, a place where the echoes of ancient tales and the vibrant spirit of the present intertwine.


Situated just north of the equator, the city enjoys a favorable tropical climate, with lush vegetation and vibrant flora adorning its surroundings. The island itself is part of the Great Ring, a sprawling archipelago system that forms a rough ring encompassing an area equivalent to Eurasia. Kikai's strategic coastal location grants it access to the vast ocean, making it a vital port for trade and commerce within the Million Islands. The city is characterized by the juxtaposition of the massive yellow stone buildings that line the coastline and the untamed wilderness of the Vaomatua, the great jungle that lies beyond. Within the jungle's embrace, exotic woods, spices, and medicinal plants thrive, sought after by traders from far and wide.
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