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Lochan Cànan

Lochan Cànan is a lake located near the center of the island of Seula, in the Arcaibh Islands. It is the lowest point in the entire archipelago, and is said to have several mystical qualities. The surface of the water is unnaturally still and resistant to disruption - ripples across the surface die down quickly, and the stillness allows the surface to be a near perfect mirror. During the day, the lake is peaceful and serene, but at night it becomes a battleground as the spirits from the eastern and western portions of Seula clash above its surface.    The most unusual quality of the lake is the voices that can be heard by those who have immersed themselves. While silence and stillness reign above the surface, a constant whispering can be heard when under the water. It sounds like a crowd of people all murmuring together, in dozens of languages. Very occasionally the voices will converge on a single word or phrase, but most of the time the whispering is unintelligble.


Lochan Cànan stretches for about a mile from north to south, and is about half a mile across at the widest point. It is fairly shallow, reaching a maximum depth of seven feet in the center of the lake. The lake is fed by an underground spring near the deepest point, and its primary outlet is the River Hoy on the southern bank. Several ancient buildings sit on the edge of the lake, but all are currently uninhabited due to the conflicts between the Eyjamaður and Dòbhran communities on the island. The largest of these is an old round tower which has been partially pulled down and now stands only about six feet tall, that used to guard the northern shore of the lake.


The shores of Lochan Cànan are covered in wildflowers in all colors, and in summer the area is known for its plentiful bees and butterflys. The water itself is home to several species of fish, including the legendary black-bodied ringfish. Some people claim that this fish is the embodiment of the spirit of the island, and that if it were ever killed the island would sink into the ocean.
Location under
Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 59.35 degrees North
Longitude: 70.9 degrees East
Maximum Depth: 7 ft
Area: 0.39 sq mi


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