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Owain ap Cynfyn

King Owain ap Cynfyn is the ruler of the Kingdom of Mathrafal on the island of Ynys. He has dedicated his life to the well-being and prosperity of his kingdom. However, recent challenges have tested his leadership and resolve.

One of King Owain's foremost concerns is the persistent threat of raids from Cunedda, a neighboring kingdom. Despite his efforts to negotiate with the King of Cunedda, the border lords have continued to raid over the border. Frustrated by these attacks, King Owain has declared a firm response: Mathrafal will strike back tenfold for every raid henceforth. In discussions with his advisors, he contemplates the possibility of invading and conquering the southern regions of Cunedda to put an end to the raids once and for all.

Recognizing the need for a strong naval presence to safeguard Mathrafal's interests, King Owain has focused on bolstering the kingdom's naval strength. This strategy aims to counter the Eyjamaður raiders along the coastal regions and also threats from the Dumnonian navy. By building a formidable navy, Mathrafal aims to secure its shores and protect its coastal communities.

Forming alliances plays a crucial role in King Owain's strategic vision. He has successfully forged a robust alliance with the neighboring Kingdom of Creoda. As a testament to their burgeoning partnership, negotiations are underway for the marriage of his eldest daughter Gwendolyn to King Aldric of Creoda. This alliance promises mutual support and strengthens Mathrafal's position among the kingdoms of Ynys.

Tragedy has struck King Owain's family, as his eldest son and heir, Cadwgan ap Owain, fell defending the kingdom against the Eyjamaður raiders. Now burdened with grief, the king must prepare his nine-year-old son Bryn, the youngest child, to assume the mantle of heir to the throne.

On Mathrafal's eastern border, King Owain must also deal with territorial disputes with the Kingdom of Gewisse. Aggressive posturing and conflicting claims along their shared border pose a persistent challenge. Maintaining a delicate balance, King Owain seeks to safeguard Mathrafal's sovereignty while avoiding unnecessary conflicts.

King Owain's upbringing has shaped his worldview and relationships. Spending several years as a page and squire in the court of the Brenin of Elmet, he treasures the friendship he shares with Brenin Cadwgan ap Llywarch, Elmet's leader. The bond between Mathrafal and Elmet is strong, allowing for mutual support and understanding.

Described as driven and tireless, King Owain's commitment to his kingdom is unwavering. He constantly works to protect Mathrafal from perceived threats on all sides. However, this unwavering dedication has led to concerns among his close friends and family. Worried that he neglects his own well-being, they encourage him to find moments of respite in the midst of his tireless efforts. King Owain's dedication to protecting Mathrafal often finds him at the forefront of leading his armies, confronting one crisis after another. During his absences, the responsibility of governing the kingdom rests in the capable hands of Queen Anwen and his trusted chief ministers. However, even in his moments of respite, the weight of his duties consumes him, leading to sleepless nights as he tirelessly attends to the affairs and well-being of the kingdom upon his return.

To ensure a smooth transition of power in the event of his demise before Prince Bryn reaches majority, King Owain has made specific arrangements. He has designated Queen Anwen as the regent, entrusted with the governance of Mathrafal until their son comes of age. To support her in this crucial role, Owain has chosen his younger brother Bedwyr, a renowned military leader in Mathrafal, as a trusted advisor and pillar of support for the queen.

Bedwyr, respected for his military prowess and loyalty, holds King Owain's complete trust. While he is the designated heir should anything befall Prince Bryn, Bedwyr has never shown interest in assuming the role of king. He remains unmarried and has no known children. Privately, it is known that Bedwyr has a longtime male romantic partner whom he wishes to shield from the scrutiny and complexities of court life. Their relationship remains discreet, known only to a trusted few.

Looking beyond the immediate succession line, the marriage between Princess Gwendolyn and King Aldric of Creoda opens up the possibility of Aldric becoming an heir to the throne of Mathrafal. According to Mathrafal law, the lords' approval is required for the passing of the throne to a son-in-law. As part of their marriage agreement, Aldric may explicitly request this provision, driven by his aspirations to unify the various kingdoms of Ynys under his rule.

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