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Cadwgan ap Llywarch

In the north-central region of the island of Ynys lies the Kingdom of Elmet. At the heart of this kingdom stands the charismatic and idealistic Cadwgan ap Llywarch, a Brenin deeply committed to the noble aspirations of his title. He strives to embody the virtues of honor, integrity, and chivalry that the title represents. Despite the challenges that Elmet has faced, including attacks from neighboring kingdoms and internal strife within the ruling council, Cadwgan remains unwavering in his commitment to his people and his kingdom. He staunchly defends the ideals associated with the title Brenin, even in the face of mockery and skepticism from those who question his idealism.

The kingdom of Elmet, in its current form, is relatively young, having been established just a century ago. Inspired by the legendary kingdom of Elmet founded by the hero Llywelyn, the founders of the new Elmet sought to recapture the spirit of its ancient predecessor. The title Brenin carries profound significance, representing a holistic view of leadership, nobility, and responsibilities towards both the land and its people.

The Brenin's rule, although absolute, is not without guidance. Cadwgan ap Llywarch surrounds himself with a council of nobles who advise him on matters of state and act as a court of law. Together, they navigate the complexities of governance and ensure the welfare of the kingdom. His rule in Elmet is upheld by a network of lords and ladies who hold fiefs and estates within the kingdom. These supporters, deeply loyal to the Brenin and his vision, contribute to the powerful military of Elmet and the overall prosperity of the realm. The Brenin's court is characterized by pageantry, tradition, and ancient rituals, fostering a quasi-religious reverence for the ideals associated with Old Elmet.

Cadwgan ap Llywarch shares a unique bond with the King of Mathrafal, who was once a page in his father's court. This personal friendship has only strengthened Cadwgan's resolve to embody the noble aspirations of the Brenin. He sees his role as not only a ruler but also a custodian of Elmet's enduring legacy. Cadwgan seeks to protect and nurture the kingdom, maintaining a harmonious relationship with the land and spirits, and ensuring the welfare and prosperity of the Inisir and other ethnic groups who call Elmet their home.


Cadwgan ap Llywarch hails from a distinguished family with deep roots in the history of Elmet. His immediate family plays an integral role in shaping the legacy of the kingdom.

Gwenhwyfar verch Gwyn: As the beloved spouse of Cadwgan, Gwenhwyfar is a pillar of support and wisdom. Known for her grace and intelligence, she is cherished by the people of Elmet for her compassionate nature. A devoted partner, Gwenhwyfar shares Cadwgan's vision for a just and prosperous kingdom, and her counsel carries immense weight within the court.

Rhiannon verch Cadwgan: The firstborn and heir to the throne, Rhiannon embodies the hopes and dreams of the people of Elmet. A natural leader, she possesses her father's idealism and strives to continue the legacy of the Brenin with grace and strength. Rhiannon is well-versed in matters of state and has been groomed from a young age to shoulder the responsibilities that come with being the future Brenin of Elmet.

Owain ap Cadwgan: The second-born and a formidable warrior, Owain is a commanding presence in the military forces of Elmet. Known for his courage and tactical brilliance, he has earned the respect of both soldiers and nobles alike. Owain is passionate about protecting Elmet from external threats and has led successful campaigns against neighboring kingdoms that sought to challenge the sovereignty of his homeland.

Eleri verch Cadwgan: The youngest member of Cadwgan's family, Eleri is an enchanting and vivacious individual. Blessed with a keen intellect and a talent for diplomacy, she acts as a liaison between Elmet and neighboring realms, fostering alliances and nurturing diplomatic relationships. Eleri possesses a deep appreciation for the arts and often uses her creative endeavors to promote unity and cultural exchange within the kingdom.

However, a veil of mourning shrouds Eleri's vibrant spirit. She grieves the loss of her beloved fiancé, Cadwgan ap Owain, who tragically fell defending the kingdom against the relentless Eyjamaður raiders. Cadwgan ap Owain was the rightful heir to the throne of Mathrafal, and his bravery and sacrifice have left a lasting impact on the hearts of those who witnessed his noble fight.

Eleri's sorrow is evident in her every action, yet she channels her grief into a resolute determination to honor Cadwgan ap Owain's memory. She remains dedicated to her diplomatic duties, working tirelessly to forge alliances and strengthen the defenses of Elmet against future threats. Eleri's resilience in the face of personal loss inspires those around her, and her unwavering commitment to the prosperity and security of Elmet remains steadfast.

As the mourning Eleri verch Cadwgan navigates the intricate realms of diplomacy, she carries the memory of her fallen fiancé and the dreams they shared for a peaceful and prosperous future. Her strength and resolve continue to shine through, even amidst the depths of her sorrow, as she upholds the legacy of Cadwgan ap Owain and strives to ensure that his sacrifice was not in vain.

The members of Cadwgan ap Llywarch's family form a formidable and influential force within the kingdom of Elmet. Together, they embody the values and aspirations of the Brenin, working tirelessly to ensure the welfare and prosperity of the realm. Their commitment to honor, integrity, and the enduring legacy of Elmet serves as an inspiration to the people, reinforcing the ideals that have defined the kingdom for generations. As the heirs of Cadwgan, Rhiannon, Owain, and Eleri stand ready to continue the noble lineage and shape the future of Elmet with wisdom and dedication.


Amidst the realm of Elmet, where the ideals of honor, integrity, and chivalry shape the rule of the Brenin, there exists a noble family known as the House of Wynthrop. Hailing from the Biegen ethnic group, they consider themselves practical and pragmatic, often sneering privately at Cadwgan's unwavering dedication to the lofty ideals that define his reign.

Led by Lord Aldric Wynthrop, the House of Wynthrop has carved a place for themselves within the political landscape of Elmet. Their Biegen heritage provides them with a unique perspective, allowing them to bring a pragmatic outlook to the affairs of the kingdom. They view Cadwgan's adherence to lofty ideals as naïve and out of touch with the realities of governance.

In recent times, the House of Wynthrop has caused strife within the Brenin's council through their calculated political maneuvering. Leveraging their understanding of the intricacies of power, they have exploited divisions and sought to advance their own interests. Their actions have created tension within the council, leading to distrust and suspicion among its members.

Recognizing the nature of the House of Wynthrop, Cadwgan's closest advisors have repeatedly warned him against placing his trust in them. They have uncovered evidence of their manipulative tactics and highlighted their self-serving nature. Rhiannon, the heir to the throne and a perceptive judge of character, holds a deep-seated mistrust and even a hint of disdain towards the House of Wynthrop. She sees them as a threat to the integrity and stability of Elmet's governance.

Despite the animosity between Cadwgan's ideals and the pragmatism of the House of Wynthrop, they are a powerful force within the kingdom. Their ability to navigate the complexities of politics and influence key decisions cannot be underestimated. Their supporters and allies, particularly those within the council, lend them considerable sway and create a formidable challenge for Cadwgan's vision of an idealistic and harmonious Elmet.

As the House of Wynthrop continues to undermine Cadwgan's dedication to the ideals, a clash of perspectives and ideologies ensues. It is a struggle that tests the strength of Elmet's ruling council and the resolve of its Brenin. In the face of these challenges, Cadwgan must carefully navigate the treacherous waters of politics, relying on the counsel of his loyal advisors, including Rhiannon, who stands ready to protect the integrity of Elmet and ensure that the House of Wynthrop does not undermine the noble aspirations that define their reign.


Gwenhwyfar verch Gwyn


Towards Cadwgan ap Llywarch


Cadwgan ap Llywarch


Towards Gwenhwyfar verch Gwyn


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