BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


They are my artists, and they are also my art. - Poniriá
  Poniriá is one of the true magicians, those who are born with ability to manipulate magical energies without the use of special tools or materials. She was born about a century ago, on the island of Nisi, and is of the Kaphtori Aethry. She was trained in magic by the Malika of Saba in Tarshish, and about fifty years ago retired from the Burj Alhikma to the island of Kastellorizo, where she used her magical power to enforce a truce between the warring phylai, so that they would not interfere with her own projects. She has claimed the castle overlooking Soúroupo Cove as her own, and established a colony of artists in a village nearby.   Every so often, she takes one of the artists as a model and lover for a few days or weeks. When they return to the colony, they are changed in both body and mind. She renders them more beautiful than they were before, and more dedicated and focused upon their art. When some have complained that their friends no longer have interests beyond their art, Poniriá dismisses the concerns, and suggests that their dedication is exactly what any true artist would desire.
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