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Kastellorizo (ˌkɑːstəˈlɔːrɪzoʊ)

Kastellorizo is the westernmost island in the Kaphtor Islands, located about four hundred miles northwest of Nisi. It has a conflict-ridden history and is known for the several castles and fortifications that dot the island, all made from the local reddish-tinged stone. For generations, the two major phylai (or tribes) both claimed dominion over the island, and their wars make up the majority of Kastellorizo's history.   In the last fifty years, a peace has been imposed on the island by the sorceress Poniriá. She has taken over one of the castles overlooking a stunning cove on the western shore, and established a community of artists there. She does not rule the island, but does respond to any disturbances of the peace with rapid and overwhelming magical force. Twenty years ago, she transformed all those who participated in a raid into stone, and then shattered their bodies into rubble. Since then, conflicts between the phylai have been carried out either at sea, or on one of the islets near Kasterllorizo, but never on the island itself.   There are two major towns on the island. On the north coast is Kókkino, which is the smaller of the two major settlements and home to the Kókkini Phylí. In the southwest is the larger town of Palaiopolis, which is ruled by Paliá Phylí. These two settlements compete with each other in every way they can, including for the volume of trade and success of their fishing fleets. Once every three years, they hold the Mégisto Games, where athletes from both phylai compete in a variety of athletic competitions. These non-martial competitions have become increasingly important over the last few decades, and have begun to draw spectators from elsewhere in the Kaphtor Islands.

Notable Spirits

There are no overarching gods that claim this island as their sole domain. Nymphs and satyrs do abound in the wild places, and there are several locations on the island that are haunted by ghosts who still thirst for revenge. The most notable god is that of the mountain Mégisto, in whose name the Mégisto Games are held. Mégisto is largely preoccupied with his own grandeur, and will usually only interact with the populace if he feels he has not been given due respect. Those who displease him typically begin to have nightmares of falling from a vast height, waking just before reaching the ground. If they do not mend their ways and make an appropriate offering to the god, they are typically found dead in the morning, with all their bones broken and their organs ruptured.


The island is divided into three regions by two high mountain ranges. The northernmost and larger range is the Mégisto Mountains, and runs from east to west. The southern range is lower and smaller, and curves around the southwestern third of the island. It is the Déka range, named for ten similar peaks that have a shared prominence. The coastline is largely rocky, with the exception of the beach at Soúroupo Cove on the western shore, which is known for its soft golden sands. The island is prone to earthquakes, and experiences several tremors every year.


Many animals and plants live on the island. The most common agricultural crops are pomegranate, olive, grape, and fig. Oak and pine forests cover the mountain ranges. Birds live all over the island, and the island is known for the large golden eagles which live in the mountains. The waters around the island have thriving populations of fish, dolphins, and whales.


Kastellorizo has hot, dry summers and mild winters with a lot of rain.
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Geographic Details
Location: Southeastern Region
Latitude: 38.51 degrees North
Longitude: 42.09 degrees East
Average Elevation: 220 ft
Highest Point: 2,953 ft (Mégisto)
Lowest Point: -23 ft
Area: 235.9 sq mi

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