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Sange was a small continent located far to the east of Great Ring, across the Brillante Sea. This ancient land was once the cradle of civilization, and it was the home of the Clarati, a race of pale-skinned, tall people who are obsessed with magic, light, and illumination. Today, Sange has vanished, supposedly destroyed in a great catastrophe nearly a thousand years ago.

The capital city of Sange was Luxe, a shining metropolis that served as the heart of Clarati power. Luxe was a city of breathtaking beauty, with its shining white marble buildings, glittering fountains, and pristine gardens. The city was built on a series of seven hills overlooking the sea, and its streets were lined with elegant mansions, fine boutiques, and luxurious palaces.

At the heart of the city stood the Palace of Light, a massive structure that serves as the residence of the Clarati Empress, Illuminata. The palace was a marvel of architecture and magic, with its soaring towers, gleaming walls, and intricate mosaics. Within its walls, the Clarati held court and conducted their arcane experiments and rituals.

The destruction of Sange remains one of the greatest mysteries of the world. The land was once a great civilization, prosperous and powerful. But a catastrophic event, the nature of which is still unknown, befell the land and destroyed it utterly, presumably sinking into the sea. The few Clarati who were not present on Sange at the time of the disaster or who managed to escape were stricken by a strange madness after the destruction, driving them to attack each other in wars and duels that only ended when all the Clarati were destroyed (except for the Malika of Saba).

After the destruction, the great Mu'o'a shaman Kailo Moana sought to determine what had happened, believing it connected to other catastrophic events going on in the world. What they learned there is unknown, but drove Kailo Moana to form the O le Feagaiga, an organization dedicated to keeping the truth of Sange's destruction a secret from all.

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