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The Sommersee is a large lake on the island of Hval. It is unusual for lakes at its latitude, both for its exceptional depth and for how warm the waters are. This warmth is due to the presence of the Hval Catfish, which has the magical ability to keep the lake's temperature at a comfortable 73 degrees. While the Hval Catfish can be found in many lakes and ponds on Hval, the Sommersee holds the largest population.

Many communities are located on the shores of the Sommersee, including the Sommerstadt, the largest settlement on Hval. Most of the buildings in these communities are actually built on stilts over the lake, to take advantage of the warth radiating off the surface. Walkways have been constructed between the buildings, and there's constant boat traffic around and across the lake's surface. 

Notable Spirits

The Sommersee is the legendary residence of Mina Fish-Eye, the goddess of fish and freshwater. She is worshipped by the residents of Hval, and sacrifices made to her are often rewarded with exceptional catches - it is said that she will send gigantic fish to jump directly into the boats of her favorites.


The Sommersee is fed both by underground springs and by three rivers which empty into it - the Krummfluss, Hügelfluss, and the Katzenfluss. The Sommerfluss is the only outlet, and it winds its way south across the island before reaching the Middlesea on the southwestern coast.  The lake is about 17 miles long, and 5 miles across at its widest point.


The lake supports a vibrant and unusual ecosystem, with many species that are found nowhere else in the Great Ring. Shrimp, crabs, and aquatic snails are common, as are many species of fish, most notably the Hval catfish. It is also home to the bandit octopus, which is a frequent nuisance to the residents of Hval, as it will venture out of the waters to forage in their homes and businesses. It is also known as the Nunarnaqtuq, and it is well known to be able to undo any fastenings or locks when attempting to extract food, and can rapidly skitter across a room to jump into the lake with its booty.
Location under
Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 63.38 degrees north
Longitude: 26.4 degrees east
Maximum Depth: 1,940 ft
Area: 63.4 sq mi


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