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Sukhur Lichen

Sukhur Lichen, also known as walking-rock lichen, is a species native to the highlands of Menâme. It grows over rocky landscapes, forming complex networks of fibers that bound to different rocks. The Sukhur is unique in its ability to relocate itself to a more ideal location by contracting these strands as if they were animal muscles, using the rocks themselves as an improvised skeleton.

Watching a Sukhur Lichen move across the landscape is a startling experience for someone who has never observed it before. With a sudden snap, strands of the lichen net will contract, pulling several of the rocks it grows on into a new position. The overall effect is of a pile of rubble that undulates across the hillside as the lichen contracts and releases. Then it suddenly stops, and seems nothing more than some rocks covered in green tendrils again.

Most Sukhur are fairly small. They typically encompass a few dozen pebbles and a handful of larger rocks the size of a child's fist. As the creature grows, it will abandon smaller stones for bigger ones, and there are legends of giants that can move boulders around.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Sukhur is capable of both photosynthesis and predation. Most of the time, it remains in one place, as long as that location has sufficient resources in the way of sunlight, water, and minerals. However, when it detects a carcass or living animal that it can feed on, it will move rapidly towards it. If it is already dead, it will cover the body and tendrils of green fungus will infiltrate the corpse. If the animal is alive, it will attack and crush it before beginning to feed. It most often eats insects and small vertabrates, but it has no problems consuming larger prey if it is available. Occasionally, fragments of crushed bone from larger animals will be found, feeding the rumors of boulder-wielding Sukhur which may hunt in the remote highland regions.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sukhur Lichen appears to have a few senses that allow it to navigate its environment. It is able to detect and locate regions with bright light, and will choose sunny areas to rest. But it also seems to have a sense of smell. If a carcass is within a half-mile radius of the lichen, it will detect it on the wind and move towards it, planting its rocky body on top of the corpse.

The lichen can also detect nearby creatures, although it is unclear if this is scent-based or if it can sense some other stimulus like vibrations or body heat. But if a small animal does venture too close to the Sukhur, it is capable of accurately ambushing it and bludgeoning it to death so that it can consume the body.

Geographic Distribution


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