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Menâme (meˈnɑː.me)

Menâme is the largest island in the Telmun Islands, making up more than eighty percent of the archipelago's landmass. It was the first territory conquered by the legendary Hundaru of Telmun, and has been the core of the Telmunic Empire for nearly as long as it existed. More recently, the Malika of Saba used Menâme as the staging ground for her conquest of the Sabaen Archipelago, which led to the creation of the Malikate of Saba. While much diminished, the Telmunic Empire still rules Menâme and the Telmun Islands. The Malika of Saba became Empress of Telmun after the death of the last Emperor of Telmun several centuries ago, and the Empire has operated as a protectorate of the Malikate ever since.

The largest city on the island is Mina Hunda. It is the capital of the Telmunic Empire, and has been since shortly after the death of Hundaru, when Tylos of Nisi moved the throne from Bit Husabi to the larger island. The city is known for its glorious architecture, including the Egalgula, a massive temple dedicated to Ninzikla and Ensag, and Hundaru's Lighthouse, one of the older components of the Ring of Light.

Notable Spirits

Menâme is embodied by the god Ensag, who is married to the sea goddess Ninzikla. Together they rule over the family of gods and spirits known as the Anunnaki. The worship of Ensag and Ninzikla is centered in the Egalgula in Mina Hunda, and those who live and work on the island make sure to greet and thank Ensag for everything the island provides. Ensag is said to have a body made of stone and iron, but with eyes of pearl given to him as a wedding present by Ninzikla.

The interior of Menâme is also notorious for the Ilu, a collection of mischievous or even malevolent spirit that live in the wild places, particularly near the mountain of Rasu Ilu. They can manifest in many forms, and enjoy playing pranks upon humans, some of which can be deadly. However, they will not enter through any door marked with Ensag's sigil, and you will find it affixed to the entrances of nearly all buildings and mines to keep out these troublesome spirits.


The island is rocky and arid, with low rolling hills, stubby cliffs, and shallow ravines. There are coral reefs off the northern shore, similar to the magnificent Kūr Inū reef off the coast of Arwa. The interior is dominated by the mountain called Rasu Ilu, which towers over the landscape. The summit of the mountain is wreathed with haze, and is said to be the home of mischievous spirits. There is a natural harbor on the western coast, where the city of Mina Hunda is located, and the majority of the island's population lives in the area around the city.

Some of the oldest and most prolific iron mines in the Great Ring are located on Menâme. The availability of iron weapons and tools was one of the factors in the success of Hundaru of Telmun's armies.

Fauna & Flora

The highlands of the island are sparsely populated by humans, but have a wide variety of animal and plant life. One species that is unique to the island is the Sukhur Lichen, sometimes called the walking-rock lichen. It grows over clusters of rocks and has the ability to contract, pulling on the rocks it is attached to in order to move across the landscape. It does this surprisingly quickly, and many travelers have been startled to see a cluster of rocks suddenly scurry down a hillside. Rumors persist of variants of the Sukhur large enough to move boulders, and also that they sometimes bludgeon small creatures to death and then consume their bodies.

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Geographic Details
Location: Southeastern Region
Latitude: 5.01 degrees North
Longitude: 54 degrees East
Average Elevation: 130 ft
Highest Point: 3,807 ft (Rasu Ilu)
Lowest Point: -10 ft
Area: 2,330 sq mi

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