Teikoku Nintei-sho Document in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Teikoku Nintei-sho (te.i.ko.ku nintei ɕo)

When the Empire of Wamato conquered the Seom Islands during the early days of the Fujiwara Dynasty, it was the first time the Empire had taken over a territory with a large population of non-human sophonts. The Chilseongsin of Gyeongseong, an ethnic group of the Kikipua species, were the largest population in the archipelago, and presented an existential problem to the Yanjin invaders. Imperial law had never addressed the legal status of non-human sophonts, and the military authorities in the Seom Islands were uncertain of how to treat the Chilseongsin as a result. They appealed the Emperor for a decision on the matter, and in due course the Emperor replied with the document known as the Teikoku Nintei-sho.

The name roughly means "Imperial Certification Document", a bland title which belies the importance this document has had in the history of Wamato In it, the Emperor classified all sophonts into six categories (bunrui), and assigned different legal status and rights to each. These classifications have shaped Imperial policy ever since, and some historians consider it the most important edict ever issued by an Emperor.

The most immediate and devasting impact was upon the Chilseongsin. They were assigned to the Jūjin bunrui, which was considered legally equivalent to livestock. The edict made it legal to enslave the Chilseongsin the Empire had captured, and led to the Empire resettling Gyeongseong with humans from the other Seom Islands and allowing them to use the surviving Chilseongsin as beasts of burden. The Imugi consider this to be one of the Empire's greatest crimes, and have worked ever since to drive the Yanjin and all humans from their homeland.

The Six Bunrui

  • Shinketsu Kizoku: Yanjin who have the blood of the Kami, this category is made up primarily of the Emperor and the high nobility. They are granted the highest legal status, and are exempt from many of the laws that bind the other bunrui. If they are accused of a crime, only the Emperor can be their judge, and most of them time, they can only commit criminal actions against others in the Shinketsu Kizoku bunrui.
  • Ippanmin: This catergory is for Yanjin who are not in the Shinketsu Kizoku bunrui. They have the ability to serve in any post in the Empire, and can own property, pay taxes, and receive preferential treatment in the courts in any dispute with lesser bunrui.
  • Kitsunejin: This is a category created to separate members of the Kitsunejin species from other non-humans. The Yanjin believe that the Kitsunejin have roots with the Kami, and because of this are often treated as equivalent to the Ippanmin. While Kitsunejin cannot be citizens of the Empire, they are typically regarded as honored guests when in Imperial territory.
  • Zokumin: Humans who are not Yanjin, but have submitted to the authority of the Empire, are part of the Zokumin bunrui. This includes most of the people in the Watali and Rengo ethnicities, although it is possible to be reclassified if an individual is convicted of treason against the empire. This is also the class where disgraced Yanjin would be assigned, and is the lowest classification a Yanjin could be reduced to. Zokumin can hold lower posts within the Imperial government, and while they can own property, they are required to pay a number of special fees and taxes for the privilege.
  • Yabanjin: Any human who is not Yanjin and does not bow to imperial authority is considered Yabanjin. The Empire considers these to be bestial humans, and they cannot be citizens, own property within the empire, or serve in any position in the Imperial government. The Hoshimoto Utari are almost all Yabanjin, as are most foreigners. Merchants who wish to trade with Empire are permitted to perform obeisance to the empire to be considered provisional Zokumin, but will fall back to Yabanjin if they commit any infraction.
  • Jūjin: The final bunrui are the Jūjin, or half-humans. This includes all non-human sophonts except for the Kitsunejin. The Empire does not consider them to be people in any way, and gives them a legal status equivalent to livestock. Non-humans who wish to travel through the Empire must have a human vouching for them, who is legally considered to be their owner and guardian, and is responsible for their actions. This has resulted in most non-humans avoiding the Empire of Wamato, and they consider the Empire and the Yanjin as enemies.
Decree, Governmental


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