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Telmunite (telmu'nit)

"When Hundaru conquered a new territory, one of his first steps was to set up schools to instruct the people in the Telmunite language. It became seen as one of the hallmarks of the Empire and of civilization. While it is no longer the language of the former territories of the Telmunic Empire, it remains a common language among scholars. It also had a profound influence on the so-called Common Tongue of merchants and sailors." - excerpt from an anonymous treatise on Hundaru of Telmun.

Telmunite is the language spoken by the Telmun people, most notably those still living on the Telmun Islands. Telmunite is inspired by Akkadian.


There are many dialects of Telmunite spoken across the southern portions of the Great Ring. In the Telmun Islands they speak a dialect which they call the Telmunu dialect, and consider it the only proper way to speak Telmunite. Other dialects include the Sabaen dialect used by Telmun communities on Saba, and the Mekonggan dialect, found in the Mekonggan Archipelago.

Interesting Features

In Telmunite, words are extremely malleable, and new words are frequently constructed during conversations. Compounding words is one common way, as is reduplication, where an element of a word is repeated for emphasis. For example, a Telmunite speaker might use a word that directly translates to big-big-light-tower to describe an enormous lighthouse. They may also include opposing concepts to convey nuance or conflict such as Ḫubuḫubuṣarāṣarā, which translates to feeling intense feelings of love and hatred for something simultaneously.

Related Languages

While many languages have incorporated Telmunite words, none can really be called related. The language was so strongly identified with imperial rule that later regimes would often seek to eradicate it from their territories, leaving only small and isolated communties still using the language. The Common Tongue has the most Telmunite words incorporated in it, followed by Nagari and Mekonggan.

Naming Traditions

Children are named one week after birth, during a ceremony called the Namnuh. At this time, they receive a personal name and a clan name, separated by the particle 'ša'. In Telmunite, the conquerer Hundaru of Telmun was called Hundaru ša Telmun. This means that he had the personal name Hundaru, and the clan name of Telmun (indicating his royal lineage). Most clan names are derived from the personal name of the clan founder.

When two Telmun married, each would add the other's personal name to their own, using the particle 'mu'. Therefore, if Enheduanna ša Sargon married Marduk ša Šamasu, their names would become Enheduanna mu Marduk ša Sargon and Marduk mu Enheduanna ša Šamasu. If one's spouse were to die, the particle would change to 'muna' until they remarried (in which case they would use only their new spouse's name).

Nicknames are also common, and are usually assigned by a person's peers based on accomplishments and personal attributes. Nicknames may remain with a person for life, or be used for only a short time, and they can change at any time.

Writing System

Telmunite has one of the oldest writing systems used by humans in the Great Ring, and it has evolved significantly over the last several thousand years. In its original form, it was written by pressing a wedge-shaped stylus into wet clay to form a variety of logograms. Modern Telmunite has adopted ink and paper, and uses an alphabet that has evolved from the older logograms. The writing systems currently used by Nagari and Kaphtorikós are descended from ancient Telmunite script.

Geographical Distribution

Telmunite is spoken primarily in the Telmun Islands, but there are communities of Telmuns across the southern arc of the Great Ring that also use dialects of the language. It is most common in the Southeastern Region, but can be found anywhere the Telmunic Empire one ruled.

Spoken by
Common Phrases
  • Šalāmū - Hello
  • Lâ šu-mu - Goodbye
  • Ištēma - Thank you
  • Ul īdû - You're welcome
  • Šūbû - Help
  • Anāku - Please
  • Nūku-nūku - Excuse me
  • Ittēdu anâku - I need assistance
  • Hīṣum - Yes
  • Ul-tu - No
Common Female Names
  • Beltis
  • Enheduanna
  • Ereshkigal
  • Inanna
  • Ishtar
  • Lilitu
  • Ninlil
  • Ninsun
  • Shala
  • Tiamat
Common Male Names
  • Nabu
  • Marduk
  • Šamasu
  • Sargon
  • Enki
  • Dumuzi
  • Adad
  • Ninurta
  • Lugal
  • Ea
Common Unisex Names
  • Zakar
  • Asalluhi
  • Utu
  • Anu
  • Belit
  • Kudur
  • Tutu
  • Gibil
  • Sin
  • Zababa
Common Family Names
  • Enlil
  • Shamash
  • Kish
  • Akkad
  • Uruk
  • Lagash
  • Eridu
  • Nippur
  • Sippar
  • Ur


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