Tigzirt Organization in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Tigzirt (tiɡ.zirt)

The nation of Tigzirt controls most of the island of Dzarbah. Most of the population of Tigzirt are humans of the Tigzirin ethnicity. Tigzirt was formed after the Tigzirin rebelled against the Nagarajya, shortly before the Nagarajya's fall. Tigizirin's nearest neighbor is the City-State of Almanfaa, which remains one of the only remnants of the Nagarajya. Tensions between Tigzirt and Almanfaa are high, and they have fought several wars since their founding. Despite Tigzirt's numerical advantages, Almanfaa has managed to hold onto its territory. Many of the Tigzirin believe that they have access to some supernatural power that prevents the city-state from being overrun.


The Tigzirin are divided into a number of tribes, each with their own chief (known as the Amenokal), and council of elders. Each tribe sends representatives to a Grand Council which administers nation-wide affairs. The Grand Council elects an Amenokal from among their number during times of war to lead any military affairs, but in peacetime handles things by majority vote only. The internal affairs of the tribes are considered outside the purview of the Grand Council, and they will only intervene in them with the unanimous consent of the other tribal leaders.


Before the coming of the Nagarajya to Dzarbah, the tribes of the Tigzirin maintained no permanent or formal system for cooperating with each other. They would skirmish with each other over resources, and occasionally go to war. This all changed when the Naga invaded. This occupation provided the impetus to the Tigzirin to ally together more permanently, and to rebel when the Nagarajya was vulnerable due to the Malika's invasion of Saba. Dzarbah was only a part of the Nagarajya for thirty-eight years at this point before the Nagarajya fell. Since then, the Tigzirin have maintained the alliance as the nation of Tigzirt, largely in response to the presence of Almanfaa, which many fear would take any division as a sign to invade and begin re-establishing the Nagarajya. They also are wary of the Malikate of Saba, which controls most of the islands to their south. The Malikate has made overtures of peace, and has offered to remove the city-state of Almanfaa for the Tigzirin, but they do not wish to incur any obligation to their powerful neighbor.

Geopolitical, Country
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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