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Umi no Kairaku

Umi no Kairaku, which means "the Happy Sea," in Yanjinese, is a region located to the northwest of Hoshimoto. Here, the collision of oceanic currents gives rise to an upwelling phenomenon, bringing nutrient-rich waters from the depths to the surface. This convergence nourishes a rich abundance of marine life, creating a veritable paradise for fishermen and fisherwomen seeking a plentiful catch. The region's pristine waters teem with a variety of fish species, including Northern char, salmon, cod, and halibut, attracting fishing boats from far and wide to indulge in the flourishing bounty of the sea. The importance of Umi no Kairaku in sustaining the island's coastal communities cannot be overstated, as it provides not only sustenance but also a deep connection to the sea and its abundant gifts.

It is also known as "Avaqiluq" in the Utari language, and the Utari and Hoshimoto Utari communities have long fished in this region. The Empire of Wamato has attempted to take control of the area, but with limited success.

Location under
Geographic Details
Location: Northwestern Region
Latitude: 67.02 degrees North
Longitude: 68.1 degrees West
Area: 47,610 sq mi


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