Voyniós Geographic Location in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Voyniós (voi̯ɲos)

Voyniós is the highest mountain on the island of Dardanthos, and is located near the center of the island. Olive groves cover the lower slopes of the mountain and the other hills and mountains nearby, and several villages can be found at the foot of the mountain. The peak resembles the crest found on the shells of giant Aspidochelones from the Middlesea, and this similarity has lent power to the connection between the god of Voyniós and the giant turtles. The Kaphtori of Dardanthos believe that the spirit of the mountain is a giant turtle itself, slowly carrying the island around the Great Ring. Those who commune with Voyniós may be granted the power to speak with the giant beasts, and in the years since Dardanthos appeared, word of this gift has spread. This has led to some of the pirates who live upon Tortuka to make pilgrimages to Dardanthos, seeking a better understanding of their own home. There are number of species of mountain tortoises that live on Voyniós and the nearby peaks, and the god will typically choose to accept offerings by sending one or more of the local turtles to consume it. If the god chooses to commune with a petitioner, the turtle will lead them to a hidden cave entrance. There is a network of caves and tunnels that penetrate deep under the mountain, and by creeping into the mountain's heart, the petitioner will eventually come to an underground lake where the god awaits them. The waters of this lake permit the petitioner to commune with the thoughts of Voyniós. Communion can take longer than many expect, and often weeks or months will pass before a petitioner emerges from the caves.

Mountain / Hill
Location under
Geographic Details
Location: Southeastern Region
Latitude: 36.72 degrees North
Longitude: 42.93 degrees East
Elevation: 2,457 ft


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