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Wamato is the heart and capital of the Empire of Wamato. This metropolis is the largest city in the Northwestern Region. It is the seat of the Imperial Court, where the Emperor, the Shogun, and other important officials reside.

The city's architecture is a sight to behold, with towering pagodas, sprawling temples, and elegant bridges. The streets are lined with cherry blossom trees, which bloom in the spring, filling the air with their sweet scent. The city is divided into several districts, each with its own unique character.


The population of Wamato is predominantly Yanjin, the ethnic group that dominates the Empire of Wamato. However, there are also significant populations of minority ethnicities, including the Watali, the Rengo, and the Hoshimoto Utari. The city is home to people of all social classes, from wealthy merchants to impoverished farmers. The population of the city is diverse and cosmopolitan, with people from all over the islands.


The city of Wamato is governed by the Imperial Court, which is led by the Emperor and his council of advisors. The city is divided into several administrative districts, each with its own governor and officials. The government is highly centralized, with all major decisions being made by the Emperor and his court. However, there are also local councils and community leaders who have some degree of autonomy within their districts.


The city of Wamato is well-defended, with a sophisticated system of walls, moats, and fortifications. The city is also home to a large garrison of soldiers, who are tasked with maintaining order and protecting the city from external threats. The city is strategically located at the center of the Empire of Wamato, making it an important military target for any potential invaders. Despite this, the city has never been successfully invaded, thanks to its strong defenses and the skill and bravery of its defenders.

Industry & Trade

Industry and trade are the lifeblood of Wamato's economy. The city's artisans are highly skilled, producing fine textiles, ceramics, and metalwork that are highly prized throughout The Islands. Wamato is also a major center for the production of sake, with many breweries located within the city's walls. The city's location on the coast makes it a hub for maritime trade, with ships from all over The Islands and beyond docking at its bustling ports. The city's merchants engage in trade in all manner of goods, from exotic spices and herbs to precious metals and gemstones. The city's economy is regulated by several powerful guilds, which ensure fair prices and high-quality goods. However, these guilds also engage in fierce competition with one another, and political intrigue and even violence are not uncommon.


The city is connected by a network of narrow, winding streets and pathways, which are lined with traditional wooden buildings. The city's waterways are vital for transportation, with boats and barges plying the canals and rivers. Several large bridges span the waterways, linking the different districts of the city. The city has a limited public transportation system, consisting of palanquins, wagons, and carts drawn by oxen. The city's sewage system is basic, consisting of open canals that run through the streets.


At the heart of the city lies the Imperial Palace, the residence of the Emperor and his court. The palace is a sprawling complex of buildings, surrounded by high walls and moats. Only the most important officials and guests are allowed within its walls, but the palace can be admired from afar.

The commercial district of Wamato is a bustling hub of activity, with vendors selling everything from exotic spices to intricate kimono fabrics. The district is home to several markets, including the famous Shijo Market, where one can find rare and exotic goods from all over the Islands.

The entertainment district of Wamato is a lively area of the city, where one can find theaters, tea houses, and geisha houses. The district is particularly famous for its Kabuki theaters, where performers in elaborate costumes put on plays for the delight of the audience. It is also home to several hot springs, where visitors can relax and rejuvenate after a long day.

The residential district of Wamato is home to the majority of the city's citizens, as well as several shrines and temples. The district is a maze of narrow streets and alleyways, with houses packed tightly together. Despite the crowded conditions, the district is a peaceful and serene place, with a strong sense of community.


Wamato is a city of great wealth and sophistication, with a thriving economy based on trade and commerce. The city is home to several bustling markets, where vendors sell all manner of goods, from silk and spices to ceramics and precious stones. Wealthy merchants and powerful nobles patronize the city's fine restaurants, teahouses, and brothels, indulging in the finest cuisine, entertainment, and companionship. The city is also home to several major temples and shrines, which serve as important centers of religious and spiritual life. In addition, Wamato is known for its art, music, and literature, with many famous poets, painters, and musicians calling the city home. The city's libraries and academies are renowned throughout the Islands for their vast collections of books and scrolls, as well as their erudite scholars and teachers.

Guilds and Factions

Wamato is a city of many factions and intrigues. The city is home to several powerful noble families, each vying for influence and power within the Imperial Court. In addition, there are several guilds and professional organizations which also wield considerable power and influence. These factions engage in intricate power games, often resorting to assassination and sabotage to achieve their goals. The city's government is also known for its corruption and nepotism, with many officials using their positions for personal gain rather than serving the interests of the people.

Points of interest

Wamato is a city of many points of interest, each with its own unique flavor and character. The Imperial Palace, located at the heart of the city, is a sprawling complex of gardens, courtyards, and halls. Visitors can admire the ornate decorations and intricate carvings that adorn the palace's buildings, and stroll through its peaceful gardens, which are home to rare plants and exotic wildlife.

The city's many temples and shrines are also popular destinations, with the stunning Yumeji Shrine and the serene Sakai Temple being among the most beloved.


Wamato's architecture is notable for its elegance and refinement. The city's buildings are mostly made of wood, with intricate carvings and embellishments adorning their facades. Many of the city's buildings are also designed to be in harmony with the natural environment, with gardens, ponds, and other features incorporated into their designs. The city's many temples and shrines are particularly noteworthy for their architecture, with many featuring elaborate roofs, ornate carvings, and exquisite gardens.


Wamato is located on the island of Kojima, which is one of the three largest islands in the Empire of Wamato. The island is known for its rugged terrain, with steep hills and deep valleys dominating the landscape. The island's coast is dotted with many small fishing villages and ports, which are connected by a network of narrow, winding roads. The island's interior is mostly wilderness, with forests, rivers, and mountains dominating the landscape.

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