
The All-Crossing is the conglomeration of 17 space stations containing the Tein Gates to the different parts of Human Space. While divided by enormous distances in space, the chain of Tein Gates placed within these space stations allows the stations to be treated as effectively one massive station.


Most stations of the All-Crossing are in geostationary orbit around their respective planets, built at the ends of space elevators. Thus it is possible to take the space elevator from planetside up to a station, exit, walk to the Tein Gate to another system, be transported there and take the space elevator back down, ending up on another planet in another galaxy and universe without having to go outside.


Owned by managed by the various branches of the Pan-Human Gatekeepers' Union, the All-Crossing contains spaceports and administrative facilities, lodgings for Union staff, as well as warehousing and amenities for travelers. While the Union manages to stations themselves and the Tein Gates, other services are provided by private enterprises that contract with the Union for use of the station. While the stations do generally have some hydroponics and recycling capability, the All-Crossing is reliant on imports from the various asteroid mining operations as well as the home planets of the various Human governments.


Despite the tens of thousands of people that go through parts of All-Crossing every day, the permanent populations of the various stations are quite low and consist of the workers that make the stations run.


Most stations of All-Crossing look similar from the outside, being ring-shaped structures of white metal rotating around the exit of the local space elevator. Some have been expanded over time, generally by widening parts of the ring.

Parent Location
Owning Organization


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