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Nightal 1367, Current Clack

Nightal 1367 DR:
  • Llorkh's Temple of Bane was infiltrated and desicrated by a gang of wererats seeking treasure.
  • Dwarven miners working small claims in the Greypeaks have repeatedly gone missing.
  • Lord Geildar has been recalled to Zhentil Keep to answer for some wrongdoing.
  • The House of Klond coster is importing contraband ores into Llorkh.
  • A merchant passing through Uluvin has been saying he thinks there is a strange reptile cult in the village. There's talk in Secomber about this and whether Elmo Guildas as captain of the militia should investigate.
  • Some travelers between Zelbross and Llorkh report seeing dark elves on the edge of Southwood, although Ildur Arntar of the Nighthunt doesn't think much of it.
  • Lord Agwain , ruler of lands near Secomber, may be returning to the area from Waterdeep soon. Apparently he has plans to raise an adventuring party to encompany him to the High Forest to recover a lost magic item.
  • At the end of Nightal there will be a pie-eating contest in Zelbross to celebrate the turning of the year.
  • Drovers, wagon drivers, caravan guards and other teamsters in Llorkh may strike to protest the oppressive rule of the Zhentarim.


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