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The village of Secomber stands in a small vale between three hills on the northwestern bank of the Unicorn Run, the cool, clear river that runs down from the mysterious heart of the High Forest, and the River Delimbiyr, the watery road to the eastern wildernesses of the High Frontier. The village is known for its gardens, eccentric architecture, and recent battles with the Temple of Elemental Evil.   Secomber is a village of fisherfolk, farmers, stonecutters, and hired guides and guards for the frequent caravan traffic. The holdings of the farmers fan out northwest of the village, and the fisherfolk make a meagre living fishing from small skiffs on the two rivers. The stonecutters manage a decent living quarrying slabs of pink granite from the cliffs that mark the northern edge of the High Moor. A handful of rangers use Secomber as a base for their forays into the monster-infested areas to the east and south of the village.   Secomber does not have any major resident nobility, although Baron Agwain has holdings in the area and has long considered Seomber to be in his purview. Secomber has a garrison of 20 soldiers provided by Rufus and Burne, former adventurers who have built a small keep in Secomber and now maintain the soldiers as retainers. Rufus and Burne are the leaders of Secomber, though the town mostly manages itself, with Elmo Gildas in charge as militia captain. Secomber’s militia, along with the soldiers, are capable of dealing with the few orc and bugbear raids that get this far west.   The total population in Secomber’s is approximately 900. Most Secomberites are human, but one quarter of the population is halfing, elf and half-elf, gnome, dwarf, and half-orc.   Notable locations in Secomber include the Inn of the Welcome Wench and Terrigan’s. The former is an Inn of long-standing repute, while the latter is a more recent tavern, serving low-price drinks in a low-class atmosphere. After leaving a place such as Terrigan’s villagers' piety can be restored by the Temples of Mieliki or Lathandar, or the church of Torm, all at the top of a hill in the northwestern part of the village.   Secomber was once the seat of the halfling-ruled duchy of Imristar and before that the western fringes of Hastarl, the capital of Athalantar, Kingdom of the Stag. Folk digging cellars in Secomber usually turn up old cobbles and stone walls. Inadvertently freed gargoyles are a fearsome, recurring problem, but sometimes magical treasures are unearthed, a legacy of the Magelords of Athalantar. Given the history of the Temple of Elemental Evil and the nearby moathouse, many adventuring bands use the village as a supply base for treasure hunting forays into the surrounding wilderness.
Secomber is a farming village at the confluence of the Delimbiyr River and the Unicorn run. Secomber is know for fertile lands and good fishing. There are many caravan guides here as well. In 1350 DR a temple of elemental evil arose nearby in the High Moor, but was ultimately defeated by a small army.
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