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Session 12: Where's Elmo Report

General Summary

During lunch at the Inn of the Welcome Wench several member of The Reborn wandered off take engage in personal pursuits: Garadin went to the Church of Torm to make pious conversation with Cannoness Y'Dey, while Midnight Snow prowled the harvested Muktar fields around Secomber for ferrets and interesting prey. Unexpectedly, Khusrov blunted stated that he must return to his tribe on the High Moor to take part in a multi-month puberty initiation rite. Emmanual and Beaufort looked on dumbly as the barbarian strode out of the Inn. Who knows when we will see him next?   After a few minutes of awkward silence with Mitchy journalling at the table, a rider burst through the Wench's front door. He had been riding back from Uluvin with Elmo Guildas and another militiaman when they were attacked by gobins and bugbears. Elmo had been captured and taken into the forest north of the village. Emmanuel, Beaufort, Mitchy and the militiaman rode off to search for Elmo and hopefully rescue him.   Several miles north of the village, and after coming to the spot of the goblinoid attack, the party dismounted their horses and headed into the forest. On unknown territory, the party missed some subtle signs of their quarry, but happened upon a set of ruined structures. Therein waited the goblinoids, however before the battle could be joined, a hobgoblin martial arts master surprised Beaufort and Mitchy on a small hill and the hobgoblin killed Mitchy in a series of blinding strikes. Mitchy's head was removed from his body by a final roundhouse kick and sailed into the clearing. This attacked portended a long and deadly battle (whole battle here, with Mitchy's death at start: A second powerful hobgoblin casting war magic was supported by two goblins and these four creatures brought the party near death several times. Elmo was found on the ground and healed by Emmanuel's spells, but he too was knocked unconscious more than once and hovered near death (i.e., death saves were 2/2). The lone surviving militia member was killed by a coup de grace kill by one of the goblins.   In the end, bloodied and slightly bowed, Beaufort, Emmanuel and Elmo found their horses and road slowly back to Secomber.  
A militia member and Emmanuel flank a Hobgoblin spell caster.

Rewards Granted

Beaufort and Emmanuel earned 700 XP each, but the others should feel well-rested...


The 5e rules that apply to Coup de Grace kills:
  • These rules apply to incapacitated opponents. This includes those that are unconscious, paralyzed, or dying.
  • You gain Advantage in all attacks against an Incapacitated opponent.
  • All hits on incapacitated opponents within 5 feet are critical.
  • Opponents with 0 HP are Dying and must make a death saving throw each turn. Three failed throws = Death
  • A Dying creature takes an automatic failed death saving throw each time they take damage
  • A creature takes two failed death saves when it takes a critical hit.
Daggerford Militia
Report Date
04 Nov 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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