BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 7: Decisions, Decisions Report

General Summary

After defeating the drow in the cave at the edge of the forest, the party moved off a mile or so to camp for the night. Their sleep was was disturbed by dreams of the evil they had encountered over the last few days. Upon the morning, their unease was not abated as Qually , uncharacteristically forthright, informed the party that he was leaving to return to the Misty Forest and re-group the Wood Elves in the wake of Melandrach's death. Qually wished his old and new friends well, shape-changed into a bear, and trotted off east into the wood. Perhaps we will see him again.   The Reborn continued west towards Daggerford, the sun at their back on a frosty mid-Uktar morning. A few hours later an earth shaking noise confronted Garadin leading the party, and Greatbranch the Treant , a diseased treant stumbled upon the party. Greatbranch asked the party's help in locating Morton the hermit to heal him. Morton the hermit's hut was nearby and the party found his ghost upon investigating the hut. Morton sent then to search out ingredients that would cure Greatbranch: the heart of an elk (hunted by Khusorv), bark from a Dryad's tree (obtained by Garadin), Pixie dust (Emmanuel found this), and magical berries (picked by Beaufort De Montague ). Together the party was able to concoct the elixr and save Greatbranch. The treants of the Misty forest will not forget the party's assistance.   Just before sundown, as they were approaching the Trade Way, Midnight Snow at the front of the column spied a human sprawled on the ground. The party approached cautiously, but stepped into the trap laid by bandits and a mage. A battle ensued with the mage casting both fireball and cone of cold to batter the party with Emmanuel facing death. Khusrov and Garadin were able to kill the mage and one surviving bandit was run-down. On the crumpled body of the mage, Garadin found a note with the words Ryngard and Myth Drannor amongst other text to damaged to make out. Too wounded to continue on to Daggerford the party camped one last night in the hills. Emmanuel "vigorously" questioned their captive. The bandit spoke of [Bishimzon the mage and the dragon cult based in Myth Drannor that would soon rule the Sword Coast, and the drow with their pitiful attempts at conquest. The captive swore he had seen Emmanuel before, perhaps in the Cormyr captial of Suzail. After questioning Emmanuel relieved the bandit of his suffering...   On the morning the party soon made the Trade Way, and turing right walked the last few hours to Daggerford. Just before, however, they met a traveller on the road who was travelling from Secomber to Amn. He had left Secomber as he no longer felt safe in the village and was making for relatives in the south.   By late moring the party crossed through the Caravan Gate and into Daggerford.

Rewards Granted

500 XP for all party members.
Daggerford Militia
Report Date
20 Sep 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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