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Elves are a magical people of otherworldly grace, living in the world but not entirely part of it. They live in places of ethereal beauty, in the midst of ancient forests at in silvery spires glittering with faerie light, where soft music drifts through the air and gentle fragrances waft on the breeze.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Elves are a naturally slender and athletic race. Elves have a similar range of complexions to humans. Often, elven hair is lightly coloured, either straw-colored or pale browns, with copper reds and blondes hair also found amongst wood elves.

Elven eyes are commonly brown, hazel, or an emerald green. Elves, like their cousins and ancestors the eladrin, are fair and beautiful, handsome, with pointed ears and no body hair except eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair.

Elves mature at roughly the same rate as humans, though they are not usually considered amongst elven society as past adolescence until they reached 110 years of age.

Unlike humans, elves do not age dramatically as their lifespan came to a close, with the most obvious changes being a change in hair color, alternatively graying or darkening. Most elves remained healthy and full of life up until their death, which, if age-related, was usually between two and nine centuries.

Elves have natural capabilties which set them apart from other creatures. Their natural senses are incredibly potent, granting them excellent situational awareness and perception. Elves are naturally extremely swift, precise and dextrous, as well as possessing the capacity for great intelligence.

Yet another difference between elves and the other humanoids of the worlds they share is that elves do not sleep in the typical sense, though they can enter that state if they desire. Instead they gain rest through a process known as the reverie. The reverie is akin to sleep, yet is very much unlike it.

When elves enter this state, they vividly relive past memories, those both pleasant and painful. Like the dreaming of humans, elves have no control over which memories rise to the fore when they relinquish their bodies to the reverie. Occasionally, elves do actually dream, but this is not a frequent occurrence and mostly occurs only when they truly sleep.

When Elves enter reverie, they do not usually close their eyes unless there is a bright light present. They relax their bodies entirely, each muscle losing its rigidity, until they are absolutely calm. Their faces relax into dazed and distant looks as if they were seeing another land or another time. Reverie is something that all Elves can tap into, but it take time and guidance to perfect it. It is considered a key tenet of a young elves education.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common (Uncommon)
Primordial (Rare)


The elves branched away from the Eladrin in a long forgotten age. Of the Eladrin, those who would become the elves were the first to emerge through the veil at the @Evertree from the Feywild, and to slowly explore this strange new land.

Legend has it that the first Eladrin that came to the material plane, went in different directions depending on their temperament.

The Eladrin of Summer, were displeased with the cold of this new found place, they built small boats and sailed to distant lands, never to be seen again.

The Eladrin of Autumn, were enamoured with the forests and wilderness that surronded the Evertree, and desired to remain close to it. They settled small villages in the great forests, and would later become the Wood Elves.

The Eladrin of Winter, seeked cooler and more solitary grounds, they travelled south to the steppes and mountains, where they found jagged peaks and caverns. It was here that they were tricked and trapped by outcast spider-queen, Lolth , and later became the Drow.

The Eladrin of Spring, desired to explore above all else. They travelled southwest, where they would find a great river that flowed through the land. They followed it to it's source, to find a great pool in the centre of a beautiful enchanted wood. It was here that they settled, and created the foundations of the 'city in the vale of dim streams', Nanduhirion. These elves would later be known amongst elf kind as the High Elves.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Capable of living for 800+ years

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