BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Pre-Campaign Session - Settlement Game

General Summary

The 4 factions (Naturalists, Refugees, Truth Seekers historians and a Libertarian religious order) settled their promised land, which they named New Frontier. They soon met a benevolant tribe of indigenous kobolds and worked together to develop the land for everyone's use.  

Generation 0 - Age of The Immigrants

  • Led by the leader of the Naturalists, a shifter
  • Met Kobolds
  • No conflict
  • Mass Memory Loss
  • Nature leader kept everyone calm. She reminded them that they all came to this place to start a new life, and this is part of the process.
  • Domesticated Hippogryphs who nested in the western hills
  • RATIONAL personalities were the norm.
  • Generation 1 - Age of the Two New Leaders

  • All of the original factions socialized and debated how things should be ordered in New Frontier.
  • Construction began on the first temple: Aurora's Embrace.
  • The New Frontier Guild assumed leadership over the region.
  • Kobolds began to construct and sell tools to the new settlers.
  • A mechanical / magical construct was unearthed from the bottom of the freshwater lake. The construct declared himself king.
  • The NFG Leader bowed to the mechanical man and offered to serve him.
  • The other frontiersfolk rebelled.
  • In the anarchy, the Kobold chieftain allied with the construct and took charge of the region.
  • Generation 2 - Age of the Tsunami

  • The kobolds honored their new construct master by creating statues in his likeness.
  • The rest of the community settled into their new normal, while clerics prayed for a way to overcome the construct.
  • A tsunami struck the shoreline and caused devestation to the inhabitants of the blackrock caves, the beach and the bay.
  • Kobold leadership faltered.
  • Aurora's Embrance temple survived untouched and became a rescue center for the area.
  • The clerics gained favor of the community and began to lead.
  • Generation 3 - Age when the Construct Overlord Fell

  • Clerics led the community successfully. Many joined the churches and new temples were built.
  • A bazaar formed on the natural land bridge between the hill country and the farm land.
  • COMMUNAL property became the standard.
  • Hill Giants made trouble, but the clerics sent a delegation to treat with them peacefully. The giants left the area and gifted the frontiersfolk a magic wand of anti-magic.
  • Clerics used the wand to destroy the construct.
  • Generation 4 - Age of Growth

  • Lunar New Year was celebrated in the farmland fields. The area became known as Moon Fields.
  • A small shipyard was built.
  • WATER element became most valued.
  • CAUTIOUS personalities became dominant.
  • The hilltop now known as Meditation Point became revered.
  • FARMS grew and were prosperous.
  • A pack of ravenous wolves fled the mountains and entered the region. They were fed and led away to wilder areas.
  • The Bazaar became world-renowned. Traders and merchants from everywhere flocked to the area for free trade, minimal taxes and laws.
  • A city grew within the Bazaar to support the merchants and guild members. The city and bazaar together are called New Frontier Bazaar.
  • Generation 5 - Age of Knowledge

  • The Sacred Sect formed inside the Bazaar, a place where worshipers of all religions gather without the grandieur of the temples.
  • FRATERNITY societies establied.
  • Boatmakers, fishermen, farmers, crafters, ranchers, etc.
  • KNOWLEDGE revered.
  • Ghostly illusions or spirits rose from the lake. They were people of an older age that used to live here before the New Frontier settlers arrived.
  • Scholars and clerics researched and found a way to release the spirits so they could finally rest at peace.
  • Scholar's Forum established to contain the guild houses, university, govertment offices and grand library.
  • Campaign
    Scales of Justice
    Report Date
    04 Feb 2022
    Primary Location


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