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New Frontier Bazaar

The bazaar which sprung up on Little River Bridge in the estuary settlement of New Frontier became an international trading hub almost overnight.   The frontierfolk who settled the area are an eclectic lot and they welcome travelers and traders from all races, creeds, religions and nations.   Anything can be bought or sold at the Bazaar, if you know whom to ask. The laws are somewhat ambiguous which makes for thriving commerce. The local priests from the Temples of Light have tried and failed to codify "evil" in terms that everyone can agree upon. Public debates about regulations, law enforcement, taxes and are common at the nearby Scholar's Forum.   Goods sold at the bazaar all come with rich descriptions and history. Savvy merchants know that frontierfolk are educated people who love to hear everything there is to know about the legacy of a family heirloom or the composition of steel and forging process that went into a workman's hammer.


Sacred Sect

  Frontierfolk are spiritual people with diverse beliefs. In this section of the market, shoppers can find holy symbols, religious and philosophical tomes, sacred artwork, totems, ceremonial objects and ritual garb.   Clerics and priests from the Temples of Light hold services for those who cannot make their way to the temples themselves. Shamans and monks from other beliefs congregate in the Sacred Sect as well. Some are wandering missionaries who proselytize on the street corners while other have erected tents, stalls or more permanent structures.  

Prim Rebost

Meaning first pantry in halfling, the farmers market is a sensory buffet. Many locals simple call it The Pantry.   Local farmers roll their wagons down the hill from the Moon Fields loaded with New Frontier soybeans, wheat, sorghum and corn as well as hearty vegetables. Fruit is available for the picking from natural orchards and groves. Seaweed, kelp, pond fronds and cat tails are locally sourced for those with a more aquatic diet.   For meat eaters, the local ranchers raise sheep, pigs, clams, lobster and whitefish.   Traveling merchants bring spice and texture and variety from all over the known world.  

Tarshach gan Jirra

  Elven for doors without end, Tarshach is more than a book swap. It's the place where you tell stories to scribes and bards so they will be remember for the ages. It's where you meet other like-minded intellectuals and theorize on the mysteries of the universe.    

Cultivated Curios

  This section of the bazaar sparkles with unearthed treasures from across the world. From precious gems to golden idols to ancient weapons, the folks who set up shop here act as go-betweens for collectors and tomb raiders.   It is rumored that one can even find a supplier for Zerubitxi, if you ask the right folks.

Guilds and Factions

The New Frontiers Guild is a diverse group of cartographers, geologists, paleontologists, zoologists, botonists, historians and adventurers. They task themselves with exploring the world around them in search of the truth in everything, primarily the natural sciences and history.   The Temples of Light are loosely organized religious affiliations. They encourage all to visit many churches to connect spiritually in whatever manner best suits the individual. They follow goodly gods and fight to keep the darkness of evil at bay.

This article has no secrets.


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