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Session 11 - Fountain

General Summary

The party explored the ruins of Illimine Aufklarung, the library that burned almost two decades ago. Gorgoroth and Berov searched for an enterance along the perimeter while S'Thom and Red (in rat form) searched on top of and within the rubble.   Gorgoroth felt the pulsing sensation of the grounding psychic energies nearby and tried to search for their source. Sometimes getting warmer, sometimes cooler.   A guard asked them to be careful in the dark ruins. Berov became nervous, watchful and guarded.   Rat-Red found a staircase leading down into a library basement but it was inaccessible to humanoids.   S'thom watched Gorgoroth walk and meditate. He led her to the Broken Fountain. She climbed into the bowl and looked around. She found her favorite tile from when she was a YA, one engraved with a dwarf a rabbitfolk. She remembered that it wobbled when she touched it. This time she pushed it and it clicked in about an inch. After an hour of searching the fountain she found three more tiles that clicked.   The team gathered and each pressed a tile on the Broken Fountain. With a heavy grinding noise, it spiraled open, revealing a trapdoor and ladder leading down.   Berov climbed down first with Gorgoroth close behind. From murder holes around the perimeter of the tunnel, sharp things pricked at them. Gorgoroth yelled at them to stop in draconic, assuming there were kobolds. Everything went quiet and the team descended safely.   Once off the ladder, the team explored west towards the basement of the library.   At the edge of Berov's light, a kobold stepped up and introduced himself as Lum Brightbox of the Starguard Den. He didn't answer Gorgoroth's questions but stated that his people protected Kurtulmak's Star for 500 generations. Only those blessed by Kurtulmak would ever get the key to access it. For a moment he held out a silver key. Then Lum stepped back into the shadows.   The team quickly moved forward into a room occupied by 25 kobolds wearing identical dark gray clothing and blindfolds. Gorgoroth shouted at them to hand over the key but they stood silently. Seeing another tunnel ahead, the party ignored the kobolds and advanced to another room some distance down the hall.   The second room was similar sized but had a raised dais in the middle of the room, and a raised platform on the dais. Upon the platform sat a wooden chest whose lid glowed with faint aqua-blue light.   When the party entered the room, kobolds fell from holes in the ceiling, attacked and sprang back up into their holes. Berov and S'thom rushed to the right and brought one kobold down. Gorgoroth turned left and shieldbashed a pair of the critters into a narrow alcove. Red went in straight towards the chest but fell into a trap that caught his foot.   More kobolds emerged from alcoves all around. The fight continued...
Scales of Justice
Report Date
09 Jun 2022
Secondary Location


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