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Session 12 - Hexabeyance

General Summary

The party continued to fight against the kobolds (see Session 11 - Fountain) and search for a way out of the irregular room. On each wall, a narrow corridor ended in a point. Small tunnels led from them, inaccessible by the larger warriors.   S'thom and Gorgoroth heard a voice above them say something about Kurtulmak respecting cleverness. Gorgoroth shouted to his team that this could be a puzzle.   Red wildshaped into a skunk and investigated one of the small tunnels in a narrow corridor but came back before getting lost.   S'thom jumped through a hole in the ceiling and found herself surrounded by dozens of kobolds. Lum Brightbox | Kobold Chieftain was there and spoke gently to her. She struggled to make out the draconic language but decided it wasn't exactly hostile. She lit a torch and inspected the kobolds, who fell into a formation similar to the poses in the first room they encountered.   Gorgoroth used his hammer to find traps on the platform then smashed it to pieces. With help from Berov, they broke into a well that was built under the treasure chest. S'thom and Red came back and helped excavate a hole big enough for the grung to climb down.   She scouted ahead for a bit, then brought her team to the library's basement.   They split up and searched. A trap was tripped and a few others avoided. Some treasure was found (party to keep track).   Gorgoroth felt for the vibrations of positive energy that guided him to the fountain and it led him to a chest. When he reached inside, the party all teleported to a pocket dimension and were temporarily blinded by white light.   "Welcome friends! My name is Bhaskar Distan'Vwaje," a voice said.   The man explained that the item they found was the Aufklarung Hexabeyance, one of sixteen artifacts created by Bhaskar, intended to help restore Bahamut if Tiamat ever succeeded in her evil plans. He tasked them with finding the other fourteen (Bhaskar acted confused and believed this is the second Hexabeyance the party has found).   Many years ago, he "seeded" the world with new civilizations, escorting settlers and refugees to safe places to begin anew. Each tribe had different ideologies; and Bhaskar hid different artifacts with the tribe whose ideology would best protect and keep secret a particular Hexabeyance.   When they were ready, the party departed from Bhaskar's palace and arrived back in the basement of the library ruins.   Berov cast Identify on two magical objects:

Missions/Quests Completed

Kurtulmak's Star Aufklarung Hexabeyance Lantern of Enlightenment
Scales of Justice
Report Date
16 Jun 2022


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