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Session 17 - Humans

General Summary

After they killed the monster of Wolfgrass, Berov inspected its body. It appeared to be a Frankenstein combination of several wolves, but there were no stiching marks. It appeared as if three or more wolves were magically smashed together into some sort of unnatural abberation.   Meanwhile, S'thom searched for Kyn's body but found nothing. No limbs. No traces of blood. Francine Devorah | Human Cleric whispered to S'thom, "Don't trust the humans."   Later that night while on watch, Red observed Francine sneaking along the edge of the road near Perle Akbar's | Half-Elf Fishmonger wagon. The human woman apparently found something near the wagon wheel where S'thom saw Kyn get bitten in half.   The caravan left the Wolfgrass and headed to Bigheaven. Gorgoroth pulled Francine to the side and asked her about her warning and the object she found. She had heard stories of a flood of human fieldhands, dock workers and unskilled laborers who came to New Frontier and put other workers out of business. Hundreds of them were hired to complete the Queen Mother's Temple. Francine handed Gorgoroth the belt and buckle she found last night.   The party arrived in Bigheaven without incident. It was a comfortable spot to relax before the last leg to Txanponetan. Perle chatted with the local farmers while Red cast Detect Magic on Perle and his men. The human guards each had a magic belt buckle and Perle lit up like a Christmas tree with many magic items and glowed with Transmutation magic.   While Red reported what he saw to his friends, the fishmongers loaded onto their wagon and started down the road. Red Wild Shaped into a horse and gave chase with Gorgoroth riding on his back. Gorgoroth grabbed at the nearest guard but lost his grip on the saddle and tumbled off. Instead of chasing on foot he used newly found telekenesis powers to lift Red-horse into the air and dropped him on top of the fleeing wagon.   The wagon exploded to bits. Red lost control of his Wild Shape ability and converted back into firbolg form. The guards went flying. Perle was no where to be seen. Berov caught up and the three heroes made quick work of the injured guards while S'thom struggled to catch up.   As the guards died, they turned to petrified stone, then crumbled to dust. They each dropped a magical belt. Berov Identified them and learned that they would Transform the wearer's appearence to look human. Berov put on a belt and adopted the likeness of Kyn.   Gorgoroth told their fellow travellers about Perle, the guards and the magic belts.

Related Reports

Scales of Justice
Report Date
04 Aug 2022
Primary Location


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