BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 22 - Megatarrasque

General Summary

Renestrae | Eladrin Celestial Warlock landed the Golden Dragon | Airship at the base of the mountains. The party took a trail between two ridges to avoid the ice-capped dragon lair.   Along the trail, Berov noticed what looked like petrified bone jutting from the rocky cliffs around them. He collected samples during the journey, but did not recognize the species from which they came.   A large warrior riding a giant polar bear approached the group. The rider introduced himself as Mordekai Silver | Orog. He served Tostyn-Tostyn | White Dragons, the white dragons that rules these mountains. After a diplomatic discussion, the group agreed to kill the small behir that encroached on Tostyn's lands, if they happened to run across the creature.   The party found a cavern the next day and entered it with caution. Voices and tapping were heard echoing from the behind a row of stalagmites and boulders. They found a birdman hard at work carefully removing mineral deposits from a stalagmite. Yohan Macaw | Birdman needed help with the excavation and was upset that good help is so hard to find and keep.   Yohan's assistant Archie Duthane | Human came into the cave and admitted that he had considered turning the adventurers over to Preceptor Rodimus as ordered. Instead, he told the party of what had recently happened in the cave.   A week ago, a group of draconians came through and wanted to know who Archie, Yohan and Yohan's scribe Lizzy Randus | Human had seen in the area. Preceptor Rodimus told Yohan and Archie to be on the lookout for a loxodon, firbolg, grung and dragonborn, who might be passing through. To ensure they reported the news, Rodimus took Lizzy with him.   Gorgoroth promised to get Lizzy back and to take care of the draconians. Archie led them out of the cave and to the other side of the mountain. Along the way he told them everything he knew about the Vale.

Rewards Granted

Leveled up to level 4
Scales of Justice
Report Date
15 Sep 2022
Secondary Location


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