BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 57 - Infestation

General Summary

The Party continued their battle (and dance battle) with the slaadi and their iron golem, BKE 90210 (Becky).   A ding sounded somewhere within Becky’s metal armor, like a bell. “Tea time!” Polluck called. Becky sat down and begin brewing some horrible concoction from her internal oils and fluids which the slaads happily drank (pinkies up!).   The Party hesitated, not sure what to do about an enemy who was suddenly uninterested in fighting. Hellhammer never slowed though—Gorgoroth swung over and over again, bashing Polluck’s body and brains. Upon the slaad’s death, Becky stopped moving and her systems went inert.   “Why? Why?” the other slaadi cried as they tried to drink their tea in peace. They acted as if the Party were the aggressors and they had no idea how to fight back. One by one they were slain after Lat’num found the partially-eaten body of Shanti, the good-natured astral dwarf he’d left in a cryo chamber.   The Party explored the rest of the facility and cleared each room one at a time. It was slow-going, but they managed to ensure that no other section had slaad infestation. They climbed the “wizard tower” and found that it was of similar construction to the rest of the facility. Inside the tower’s observation deck they slept.   The next morning they saw that the observation deck overlook a large forested area. A nearby village abutted right up next to the tower. Voices were heard. A group of teenagers had climbed a nearby tree in an attempt to enter the tower.   Lat’num introduced himself and met Luv, a brave dwarf girl who spoke on behalf of her friends. They had slept in the tree all night, afraid of what was going on in the village. Some of the townsfolk had been acting strangely—there had been some random violence, some random acts of kindness, and a general creepiness that made the kids want to take refuge in the “Cursed Caverns” of Kaverna Proklet's “wizard tower”.   Lat’num, Gorgoroth and Red told the kids about their exploits in the caverns and the dangers of the slaad monsters. Luv agreed to escort the party into town, just as her friend spotted a fire from his high vantage point.   They found the town hall in flames. The mayor proclaimed that the townsfolk were now free of rules, regulation and oppression as the tyranny of law had ended. Most of the people were shocked and scared, but a few crazed individuals went about creating more chaos.   Red cast Detect Magic and saw that the mayor was under an illusion. She was probably a slaad. Lat’num confirmed that the creatures were neither good nor bad, but rather chaos incarnate. They HATED structure and laws. Red then cast Tidal Wave and directed it at the “mayor” and the burning building behind her. A wet, yet unburned slaad crawled from the steamy wreckage. Gorgoroth crushed it with Hellhammer.   The heroes talked to the people of Woodbridge and warned them of the slaad infestation and then worked with a group of lumberjacks to round up as many slaad as they could discover.
Report Date
21 Sep 2023


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