BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 61 - Herbst

General Summary

The Party talked to Diggs about the Cyclone Citadel and Windrex. The kobold didnt know exactly how the magic flying castle worked but confirmed that it is an ancient relic from the Arkosian-Turathi wars. Diggs talked to Lat’num about engineering and magic while the others explored the keep during a guided tour from Glugg, the flesh golem.   The keep was full of treasures organized in display cases. Every room was themed from a different culture across the world or through history. They had come to the Citadel on invitation from Windrex, who offered them a trophy of their choice from his horde for their assistance in killing Sephadex, the black dragon. Upon seeing the horde, they realize just how wide their selection would be.   Only one of the rooms lacked a sense of decor and ambiance. Red found a small office on the third floor. A large round basin full of sand stood in the center. Cabinets lined the wall and hundreds of tiny vials of dirt sat on the shelves.   Lat’num cast Detect Teleportation Circle and sensed something less than a mile away. He walked around the keep’s floating island and determined that the magic circle was on a small jagged island two levels down. Lat’num searched the keep to find Red, and asked the druid to help him fly down to the circle. Red transformed into a giant eagle and down they went.   When Gorgoroth neared the third floor office, a gust of wind whipped into him. It seemed to come out of nowhere and cut to his core. He felt Sommer flare up within him. A collection of halfling mannequins behind the dragonborn burst into flames. The team put out the fire, but the clothing was ruined and smoke filled the room. Ifrit led Gorgoroth into the office where the uncontrollable flames coming from his back wouldn’t burn up any more of the priceless artifacts.   Gorgoroth focused on the wind that seemed to follow him everywhere he went. There seemed to be a connection to the wind. It felt like a kindred spirit. He tried to ask the wind what it wanted. A window shutters opened somewhere in the keep and a cold gust blew in. The wind changed direction and brought a flurry of fresh pine needles. They felt like questions. “Winter? Spring?” Gorgoroth asked the wind. “I think I know where they are. Do you power the Citadel?”   The wind whipped around the room between the basin and the jars of dirt. S’thom used her   Decanter of Endless Water to fill the sandy basin with water. Ifrit and Gorgoroth took turns dropping samples of dirt into the basin. Each time they did so, a new scene appeared in the water. The sand grew into miniature mountains or grassy plains. The water turned into lakes, rivers and coastlines. They tried a dozen variations before Gorgoroth recognized a familiar landscape: the Elsir Vale.   “What now?” Gorgoroth ask. The wind fluttered the surface of the basin. He tentatively touched the item. A golden light burst from the bowl and surrounded them. It crawled across the floor and ran up the walls and lit every surface area in the keep.   On the island below, Lat’num and Red (still in giant eagle form) worked to clear the teleportation circle from debris. The ground below them shook. The winds around them roared to life and the islands began to spin faster and faster.   The Cyclone Citadel began moving.
Cyclone Citadel Control Room
Report Date
22 Oct 2023


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