BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 8 - Justice

General Summary

The dead monsters all turned to dust. The party found that each monster dropped ragged, mismatched, useless armor and very nice, new belts of different designs. The backs of the belt buckles were engraved in scratches that appear similar to the scratches on Blessings S'thom retrieved her shortsword.   The elven woman who was attached by the monsters turned out to be a Resistance Operative named "Mariann" who is the granddaughter of Calliandra of the Stagrunners. She questioned Gorgoroth and couldn't believe that he is who he claimed to be. Her guy friend wanted to join Mariann in her journeys and told the party that The Queen Mother is Tiamat, an evil dragon goddess.   Mariann advised the party to talk to Isabelle Atieno | Elf Priestess in Eternal Flame. She and her male companion then departed, presumably find a vessel to take them away from New Frontier.   At Temples of Light, Berov searched for Priestess Atieno. The group observed a large congregation at the new Queen's Temple celebrating while priests of Eternal Flame struggled to relight the beach fires and lighthouse.   After shirking their "volunteer" duties, Berov and Red escorted Priestess Atieno to Gorgoroth in the basement of Eternal Flame. There she talked to Gorgoroth about "Lightbringer" then showed him a statue of Thom Shieldheart. After touching the statue and reciting the name "Thom Shieldheart", the wall behind the statue magically disappeared and revealed a secret room.   Inside the secret room, the party saw a number of interesting artifacts, weapons, artwork and stone monuments. Items that they took note of were:  
  • Trident
  • Buckler shield
  • Painting of "Heroes of Brindol" featuring Thom Shieldheart
  • Painting of "Star Under Lid" featuring an aasimar accepting a chest whose lid glowed, while three other people pointed to the river and hills the distance
  • Book of memiors of elven Clan Stagrunners
  • Stone steles engraved in a mix of dragon and dwarven, detailing the history of the Heroes of Brindol.

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