Ma'ailma Geographic Location in The Multiverse of Maha | World Anvil
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Ma'ailma (/Mə-ɑɪl-mə/)


A vast primordial world, seemingly untouched by human hands, Ma'ailma is roughly the size of Jupiter but teeming with lush landscapes and oceans full of life. Similar to Jupiter, on it's face is a large ring - a giant impact crater called Ihmisen Keh'to who's outer ring is a mountain range so tall it pierces the clouds preventing travel in or out even by creatures as powerful as the great Dragons which fly through the air on Ma'ailma. The surface, however large it is, is but one face of this planet which contains many vast underground worlds ruled over by Gnomes, Dwarves, Drow, and things far more sinister... not to mention the many great oceans inhabited by their own races.

Fauna & Flora

Great winged dragons rule the skies filled with all manner of flying races while enormous Jiao rule the oceans where Sirens sing. The forests are populated by Sídhe and their Fey, and in jungles dwell Beast-men. Under the surface Dwarves create their cities and Drow rule their mushroom metropolis. All manner of creature and beast live alongside plants both sentient and otherworldly... but one seems to be missing, the Humans locked within Ihmisen Keh'to.
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