Ihmisen Keh'to Geographic Location in The Multiverse of Maha | World Anvil
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Ihmisen Keh'to (/ɪm-i-sɛn/ /ɔɛ-to/)

Ihmisen Keh'to, or "The Cradle of Humanity", are the only lands in which Humans exist in Ma'ailma. Whether the land is a prison or a refuge is unknown, but within it's mountainous border Humans are the dominant species and have self-segregated into five regions, each with their own special Conairí or path to power.


Ihmisen Keh'to is a massive crater-like region the size of Earth upon the planet Ma'ailma, similar to Jupiter's Red Spot. The border which separates Ihmisen Keh'to from the rest of Ma'ailma is a heaven-piercing mountain range so tall it pierces the clouds and so thick even after countless eras nothing has passed in, nor out from this barrier. Inside these walls is a geometric formation of concentric rings of earth and water surrounding a central sea with a continent all its own. North, East, South, and West are divided up by enormous rivers which drain into Sisämeri: The Inland Sea with An'Croílár: The Heartland in the center.

Fauna & Flora

Vicious and magical beasts are rare here, with almost no sapient creatures, but the rarest creature on Ma'ailma is actually the most common here, humans. Plants within Ihmisen Keh'to are mostly of the standard variety, however the arcane energy of the East and the spiritual pressure from the South have both mutated such in ways that make them unique to the region though not on Ma'ailma as a whole.

Natural Resources

While Ihmisen Keh'to has no natural resources properly unique to the region compared to the rest of Ma'ailma, several man made resources are mainstays of the various nations within it's borders. These are the refined treasures of the northern Tailte Fiaine, the arcane enchanted goods of the eastern Fásach Draíocht, the natural wonders and spirits of the southern Talamh Biotáille, and the various technological products of the western Tír Tionscail, and the synergistic combined goods of central An'Croílá.

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