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Pulse Racing Teams

The Pulse Racing Grand Prix pits a number of teams against each other in it's races. Each Pulse Racing Team consists of 3 individuals who occupy rolls that perform specific functions on the Pulse Racer. The objective of every Pulse Racing Team is to be the first to cross the finish line or to be the last Racer standing.   Teams are ranked using a star system, in which the most popular teams rank the highest. The most prolific teams are three-star teams while less well-known teams are considered one-star teams.  

Three-Star Teams

The Zombies

Three-time Champions of the World Grand Prix, The Zombies are well-known for being utterly brutal on the racecourse. Their Gimmick is that they’re Zombies, funnily enough.
Pilot: Crash
Engineer: Doll
Gunner: Phantom
Sponsor/Manager: PSICON /Teskin Morta
Fan Name: Ghouls
Death Drop
Death Drop is the name of The Zombie’s Racer. Its body is a Frankenstein of other Racers, allegedly Phantom takes the scrap of her opponents and adds them to the body.
Artillery – The Death Drop has a ferocious cannon that launches bear traps to “bite” their opponents and drag them alongside the Team. Phantom herself used a nailbat.
The Death Drop’s Core is the Undead Core, it’s Overdrive, Grave Rob, magnetises all the scrap metal it can find and restores the Racer to full health.

Starlight Brigade

A brand-new incarnation of the oldest Pulse Racing Team on Albicant. The Starlight Brigade are named first for the legendary team that sacrificed themselves to bring the Apocalypse to an end and then for the Pulse Racing Team that used their namesake. Their Gimmick is that they are Interstellar Defenders of the World.
Pilot: Soren
Engineer: Jodah Osun’Voks
Captain Gunner: Vyssia Shran
Sponsor/Manager: None/ Dee
Fan Name: Space Cadets
The Ulysses
The Ulysses is the Racer the Starlight Brigade pilots. It’s built primarily for speed and endurance
Artillery – The Ulysses has two laser blasters mounted on each side of it for rapid successive fire. Shran uses a ray-gun.
The Ulysses’ Core is the Warp Core, it’s Overdrive, Quantum Leap, can bend subspace and Overtake three opponents.


The up-and-coming rookie sensation of the year, Supernova have shot to acclaim thanks to their huge and dedicated fan-base. Their Gimmick is that they are a classic K-Pop Idol group.
Captain Pilot: Ch’U Chi-U
Engineer: Asuka Ai
Gunner: Sato Sweet
Sponsor/Manager: Pixel-e-tron/Melicity
Fan Name: Glitterbugs  
The Soundstage
The Soundstage is Supernova’s Racer. It is incredibly showy and dazzling but don’t be fooled, it packs a serious punch.
Artillery – the Soundstage’s weapon can create a powerful sonic blast.
The Soundstage’s Core is the Dance Core. It’s Overdrive, Upstage, creates a powerful dazzling light-show that causes the two Racers on either side to go off-road.

The Stallions

A long-running veteran team with that has a petty rivalry with the Zombies, each having stolen victories from the others. A win for the Stallions this year would take the crown off of the Zombie’s heads. They… have a cowboy thing,
Pilot: Duke
Gunner: Sidewinder
Engineer: Clay
Sponsor/Manager: Explority/Atticus West
Fan Name: Duster
Buckin’ Bronco
Buckin’ Bronco is the name of the Stallion’s Racer. It’s can manoeuvre very well which is surprising because it’s extremely sturdy.
Artillery – Two front-mounted revolvers that shoot shells. They are extremely accurate if a little weak.
The Buckin’ Bronco’s Core is The Spirit of the West Core. It’s Overdrive, Last Stand-Off critically hits the desired target on up to four other racers.

Avalon Knights

A team with a niche but dedicated audience. They have a bad case of permanent runners-up. Their Gimmick is that they are Knights. That’s it.
Pilot: Artie
Gunner: Lance
Engineer: Gala
Sponsor/Manager: PSICON /Merlin
Fan Name: Squires
Keincalad is the name of Avalon’s Racer. Built for endurance over anything else.
Artillery - It’s fitted with a jousting lance on the right-hand side of the racer.
Keincalad’s Core is called Excalibur. It’s Overdrive, Knight, Knight, viciously jabs the lance forward, reducing the nearest racer to 0HP.


A surprisingly popular team that has been favoured for their underdog status. The Team itself is only just above average but their fan-base is very community-oriented, and the Team do a lot for them. Their Gimmick is that they’re Surfers.
Pilot: Kapu
Gunner: Crush
Engineer: Mikey
Sponsor/Manager: Explority/Jake
Fan Name: Namers
Waverider is the name of Riptide’s Racer. It’s light and very agile, good for manoeuvrability but not very durable. Artillery – Big Water Guns Their Pulse Core is called the Wipe-Out Core. It’s Overdrive, Cowabunga, floods the Race track, causing a permanent environmental change in their favour.

Two Star Teams


Bubonic Plague

An all-Yelgir Team.
Pilot: Ratty
Gunner: Sludge
Engineer: Triple X
Sponsor: We-Bite
Weapon: Sludge Cannon.
Racer: The Waste Pipe


Dieselpunk Zepplin – Parabellum have their history in Dimension Derby.
Pilot: Captain Dakota
Gunner: Benton Scarletta
Engineer: Hannah Murdoch
Sponsor/Manager: Explority/Johnathan Josston
Weapon: Machine Cannons
Racer: SS. Destroyer A Zepplin but weirdly sturdy looking

The Dapper Infernos Type: Aggressive Pilot: Cagney Gunner: Alichi Engineer: Calcabrine Sponsor/Manager: Weapon: Flame-Throwers
Siren Song Type: Calculators Pilot: Celesteene Gunner: Shelly Engineer: Sunbeam Sponsor/Manager: Explority/Roslynn Roe Weapon: The Big Shell Core: Pearl Core
Steel Bolt Type: Aggressive Pilot: The Commander Gunner: Lieutenant Engineer: Corporal Sponsor/Manager: PSCION/Tristan Tucker Weapon: Laser Turret Core: Panser Core
Big Sails Type: Calculators Pilot: Captain Buckleswash Gunner: Jaspeth Engineer: Peggy Sponsor/Manager: Explority/Allison Seak Weapon: Master Blaster Core: Deep Blue Core
The Skeleton Crew All Skelecron Team Type: Crowd-Pleasers Pilot: Benny Gunner: Jimmy Engineer: Larry Sponsor/Manager: Trilby Edgarth Weapon: Ratt-ling Gun
Fleeting Swift The only All-Tzun’kheti team Type: Pilot: Gunner: Engineer: Sponsor/Manager: Weapon:
Bottle Rocket Type: Pilot: Gunner: Engineer: Sponsor/Manager: Weapon:
Dune Wyrms All Pryurh Team Type: Pilot: Gunner: Engineer: Sponsor/Manager: Weapon:

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