Deus zev Yateo "The Fourteen Original Tribes"

In myth and legend, few tales are as compelling as that of the Deus Zev Yateo – the Fourteen Original Tribes of the Terrama. Born to the four goddesses of Ak, these tribes were placed upon Evernia by the deities themselves, embodying divine qualities and powers that elevate them to a god or demigod-like status. The four goddess mothers, Ak'Nun, Ak'Ura, Ak'Awa, and Ak'Daro, are revered for their role in creating these extraordinary beings.  

The Goddess Mothers of Ak

The four goddess mothers, each representing a distinct aspect of life and nature, are central to the story of the Terrama. Their divine attributes and intentions shaped the nature and destiny of the fourteen tribes.  

Ak'Daro: The Goddess of Rage and War

Known as the goddess of rage, war, greed, and persistence, Ak'Daro is the fierce mother of the Das'Veyan Race. Her children are warriors and conquerors, driven by an unyielding spirit and a thirst for victory. The Das'Veyan are known for their unmatched strength and resilience, traits inherited from their powerful mother.  

"To be kin of Ak'Daro is to challenge the will of Audulis."


Ak'Nun: The Goddess of Community and Feminine Divinity

Ak'Nun, the firstborn daughter of Audulis Mundis "The Universe," is the mother of all pure and highly melanated beings. Known among her children as the goddess of community and feminine divinity, Ak'Nun is the focal point of the start of Evernian humanity. Those with skin complexions ranging from ebon to sable are believed to be direct descendants of Ak'Nun and are highly favored by Audulis Mundis.  

"To be a child of Ak'Nun is to be a deity all your own."


Ak'Awa: The Goddess of Vengeance and Passion

Ak'Awa, the second-born daughter of Audulis Mundis, is the mother of melanated beings set further apart from pure melination, those born of Ak'Nun. Her creation is believed to be the first pursuit of diversity by Audulis Mundis's grand design to provide a variety of skin tones and hair textures for protection from Evernia and its elements. Ak'Awa is known as the goddess of vengeance, fertility, and passion.  

"From the womb of Ak'Awa we came, and to her embrace shall we return." - The Dae'Razmo Tribe


Ak'Ura: The Goddess of Transformation and Magic

Ak'Ura, known as the Shifter, Mother Ceno, and Ak'Unalai, embodies transformation and magic. She is revered for her ability to change and adapt, guiding her tribes through the ever-changing landscapes of life. Her children are masters of transformation, capable of wielding powerful magic and altering their forms to meet the needs of any situation.  

The Fourteen Tribes

The Terrama, divided into fourteen tribes, each reflect the unique gifts and domains of their goddess mothers. These tribes are not just distinct in their powers but also in their cultures, traditions, and ways of life.  

Ak'Daro's Tribes

Terran: Known for their deep connection to the earth, they are unparalleled in agriculture and healing.   Gaians: Guardians of the forests, with the ability to communicate with and command plant life.   Geomancers: Masters of stone and minerals, renowned for their architectural and sculptural skills.  

Ak'Nun's Tribes

Aquaen: Lords of the seas, skilled sailors, and fishermen with the ability to breathe underwater.   Hydromancers: Able to control and purify water, providing fresh water to parched lands.   Mariners: Navigators and weather predictors, guiding ships safely through the most treacherous waters.  

Ak'Awa's Tribes

Aerianu: Swift and elusive, able to control the winds to aid in travel and communication.   Stormcallers: Commanders of weather, capable of summoning storms or calming skies.   Zephyrs: Messengers of the gods, known for their speed and agility, often serving as scouts and spies.  

Ak'Ura's Tribes

Pyromancers: Masters of fire, both destructive and creative, feared and respected for their power.   Forgemasters: Skilled blacksmiths and craftsmen, able to forge weapons and tools of unmatched quality.   Flamewardens: Protectors of sacred fires and knowledge, keepers of the tribe’s lore and rituals.     The Guardian Tribes Celestians: Connected to all elements, serving as the spiritual leaders and healers, bridging the tribes. Elementalists: Warriors who can channel multiple elements, serving as the protectors of the Terrama.
Subsidiary Organizations


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