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The Ocean of Israa : Room 6: The Sunken Circle

The Sunken Circle: Echoes of Ancient Mysteries

  Emerging from the eerie grasp of the Black Sands, the characters find themselves on the outskirts of the Sunken Circle—a once majestic druidic henge now shrouded in an enigmatic silence. The landscape shifts from the abyssal blackness to a peculiar sight of partially submerged monolithic stones.   Partially Revealed Stones: The remnants of the Sunken Circle stand as weathered sentinels, their towering forms now reduced to mere stumps protruding from the blackened sand. Only the top few inches of these once-great monoliths are visible, creating an illusion that the stones are both emerging and receding into the earth.   A Druidic Legacy: The air within the Sunken Circle carries the subtle essence of ancient druidic magic. The stones, though now obscured, whisper of a time when this place was a sanctuary of nature's mysteries. The remaining visible portions are adorned with intricate runes and symbols that hint at the circle's past purpose.   Buried in Time: The majority of the monoliths lie buried beneath the black sand, their secrets concealed beneath centuries of accumulated history. The characters may discern faint outlines and contours, as if the stones themselves yearn to rise from their sandy grave and share the forgotten tales of Mors-Rel.   Whispers of the Wind: As the wind dances through the remnants of the Sunken Circle, it carries with it a symphony of whispers. The voices of ancient druids, long since departed, seem to echo in the air. The characters may catch fragments of rituals, nature's hymns, and the sacred chants that once resonated within the hallowed circle.   Nature's Embrace: Despite the apparent ruin, the Sunken Circle is not devoid of life. Hardy desert flora has taken root among the stones, their vibrant colors providing a stark contrast to the monochrome of the black sand. The area radiates an odd sense of harmony, as if nature itself has adapted to the changes wrought by time.   Mysteries Unearthed: Investigating the Sunken Circle may reveal hidden chambers beneath the sand, remnants of an ancient druidic library, or forgotten artifacts that offer clues to the curse plaguing Mors-Rel. The characters might encounter inscriptions or symbols that align with the solarstone's celestial patterns, forging a link between past and present.   A Place of Reflection: The Sunken Circle becomes a contemplative space for the characters, inviting them to reflect on the cyclical nature of time and the interplay between the ancient and the contemporary. The characters may sense a profound connection to the druidic legacy, and the stones, though sunken, seem to acknowledge their presence with an ethereal reverence.   As the characters stand within the Sunken Circle, they become witnesses to the eons that have passed, unraveling the layers of history that lie buried beneath the sands of the Great Desert.
  • Range from 95 to 125 degrees (Except in the circle where it is a constant 68 degrees)
  • We’re starting a skill challenge to describe how you get from The Black Sands to the Sunken Druid Circle, farther to the North. This area has more rolling dunes.
  • For each day, describe the trip and choose a skill to check. DC 15, Days 4, Successes Needed: 2
  • On Success. Congrats you've made it. Worn and tired but otherwise ok.
  • The failed skill challenge causes the party to take a more treacherous route through the desert. They make it to their destination, but they emerge wounded and weary. Each character must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 27 (5d10) necrotic damage on a failed save, take no damage on a successful one.


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