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The Ocean of Israa : Room 11: The Muna Canyon

Muna Canyon: The Veiled Abyss Deep within the heart of the Great Desert, adjacent to the desolate region known as the Ocean Israa, lies Muna Canyon—a haunting landscape reminiscent of the famed Grand Canyon, yet touched by an eerie desolation that sets it apart.   DMONLY: Players will have to climb down to find the veiled entrance to the Cults Keep.     Canyon Structure: Muna Canyon stretches wide and deep, its rugged cliffs and towering mesas carved by the relentless forces of time. The canyon walls bear the scars of ancient winds, and the rocks tell tales of a history long buried beneath layers of sediment.   The Green Fog: At the canyon's base, an unsettling phenomenon sets Muna Canyon apart—a strange and otherworldly green fog that clings to the ground like a spectral carpet. The fog is an ethereal presence, shimmering with an unnatural radiance that contrasts starkly with the arid surroundings.   Green Mist Fever: Contact with this thin, green, odorless mist can infect giants and humanoids with green mist fever. A dispel magic spell destroys the mist in a 20-foot square starting at a point chosen by the caster within the spell’s range. An encounter with this mist typically covers 1d6 such areas (400–2,400 square feet).   A giant or humanoid that comes into contact with the mist must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become infected with green mist fever. An infected creature begins seeing vivid hallucinations of green monkeys 1d6 hours after failing the save, and the hallucinations last until the disease ends on the creature. A creature can repeat the saving throw every 24 hours, ending the effect on itself on a success.   Luminescent Hues: The fog carries a surreal luminescence, casting an eerie glow on the canyon floor. Shades of vivid green dance within the mist, creating an otherworldly spectacle that seems to defy the harsh reality of the Great Desert.   Whispers in the Wind: As the wind gusts through the canyon, the green fog stirs, producing an enchanting symphony of ethereal whispers. These soft murmurs, barely audible to those who approach, carry the weight of forgotten tales and ancient secrets buried within the very fabric of Muna Canyon.   Unearthly Stillness: As travelers descend into Muna Canyon, an uncanny stillness blankets the surroundings. The green fog imparts a dreamlike quality to the canyon, as if reality itself has been momentarily suspended. The silence is punctuated only by the occasional rustle of the fog, creating an ambiance of eerie tranquility.   Cautious Exploration: Venturing into Muna Canyon demands caution, as the green fog is rumored to hold unpredictable forces. Some claim that those who linger too long may experience strange visions or lose their way in the disorienting luminescence. Whether the fog conceals ancient artifacts, mystical energies, or something more nefarious, Muna Canyon remains a place of both fascination and peril in the heart of the Great Desert.   Possible Encounters
  1. Warlocks 1 Easy Warlock - Hellhounds
  2. Warlocks 2  This pit trap (Card matching)
  3. Warlocks 3
  4. Boss Fight Amirah al Zahana - Boss Fight
  • Range from 75 to 125 degrees
  • Poison Fog
  • We’re starting a skill challenge to describe how you get from The Black Sands to the Sunken Druid Circle, farther to the North. This area has more rolling dunes.
  • For each day, describe the trip and choose a skill to check. DC 16, Days 6, Successes Needed: 3
  • On Success. Congrats you've made it. Worn and tired but otherwise ok. You can see down into the Canyon.
  • You were spotted by a few scouts. Dex 15 Save or take 20 damage or half as much on success. Encounter: Warlocks and Hellhounds


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