Ares Macrotechnology “The Judge” Anti-material revolver

The Ares Macrotechnology “The Judge” Anti-material revolver is a revolver that uses Electrothermal-chemical technology to enhance its already potent round to something beyond that. The Judge is built for enhanced beings only, as its sheer recoil can easily snap the wrist of any regular human.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Ares Macrotechnology “The Judge” Anti-material revolver is an immensely powerful revolver, a trustworthy sidearm for enhanced beings.   Internal components: The Judge utilizes an ETC firing system to propel its .300 Winchester magnum rounds at speeds of 2,080 Meters per second . It holds four rounds and features a reinforced body construction and internals. The barrel of the gun is heavily built and reinforced because of the sheer speeds the round goes. Also, the revolver has no hammer, instead; it is hammerless with everything being contained inside the weapon.   External components: The Judge is made of superalloy, ceramics, and has a wood grip.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Creation Date
The Judge is a rare handgun, usually only seen with high-ranking officers or the elite of Ares. But other outside sources can still buy the handgun.
Overall length: 60cm
Base Price
8,000 Nuyen


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