Centurion War-Tech

Centurion War-tech, Run solely by Grardeim and headquartered On a private island, is the Second largest corporation in the world. Is Main interest are in War, security, Nuclear energy, space, heavy industry, Augmentations, and genetics. Centurion is a part of the Big Four, The four most powerful corporations on planet Earth.


Centurion War-Tech operates under a hierarchical structure, with the head leadership consisting of Grardeim, a powerful and intelligent great dragon who holds complete ownership and control over the corporation. Assisting Grardeim are his right-hand man Genocider, a formidable true Drake known for his ruthless nature, and the dragon left-hand lady, who serves as the speaker.   Below the head leadership are the eight masters, each specializing in a specific field of Centurion War-Tech's advanced war technology, such as genetics, warfare, or heavy industry. These masters play a crucial role in driving the company's innovation and development.   Managing the company's operations on a continental level are the continent managers, responsible for overseeing specific regions of the continents where Centurion War-Tech has a presence. For instance, the continent manager of North America oversees all activities in that region exclusively.   Further down the hierarchy, we find the regional managers, who manage specific regions within a continent. It is worth noting that multiple regional managers may exist on a single continent, depending on its size and importance.   Moving towards the bottom of the hierarchy, we encounter the working force of Centurion War-Tech. This comprises the majority of the company's employees who contribute to its day-to-day operations. It is important to highlight that Centurion War-Tech operates at an exceptionally efficient level compared to other corporations.   Additionally, Centurion War-Tech maintains a network of shell companies, which allows them to employ Shadowrunners when needed, without directly hiring them themselves.   Overall, Centurion War-Tech's hierarchical structure ensures efficient management and operation, while offering opportunities for advancement and responsibilities for its employees at different levels of leadership.


The culture of Centurion War-Tech is deeply rooted in Draconic and military traditions. Dragons play a prominent role within the corporation, serving as bosses or military officials. However, they do not disregard metahumanity and instead treat them with respect, particularly those who prove themselves deserving. There is no ill-will towards metahumans who achieve promotions based on their merits; in fact, they are admired for their dedication to personal growth.   Backstabbing is strongly discouraged and punished within Centurion War-Tech's day-to-day culture. Employees are encouraged to take responsibility for their mistakes, and unless the error is catastrophic, they are unlikely to face severe consequences. The corporation actively promotes physical and spiritual well-being by encouraging employees to engage in exercise and self-defense classes. Teamwork and camaraderie are also valued and fostered within the organization.   Military culture is deeply ingrained in Centurion War-Tech, with retired military officials assuming leadership positions. However, their treatment of metahumans is inclusive and fair. While they have preferences for certain roles, such as trolls becoming bosses or elves joining the military, they are open to the idea that any metahuman can excel in any position. Veterans are given the respect and support they deserve, with Centurion War-Tech providing assistance for trauma and proper treatment of injuries. This approach attracts more soldiers than the average war-corporation.   Centurion War-Tech willingly forms alliances with other corporations that have proven their worth. Examples of this include the partnerships with Norse Technologies and Seburo Industries, where each company retains its independence. Additionally, the corporation incorporates special traditions from draconic culture, such as fighting tournaments, into their operations.


Centurian War-tech resources are not only second to Saeder-Krupp, but they also surpass them in various key areas such as military power, space technology, magic, and augmentations. In terms of military power, Centurian War-tech boasts a formidable arsenal of advanced weaponry, innovative vehicles, and highly trained personnel, giving them a significant edge on the battlefield. Their space technology capabilities are equally impressive, with Centurian War-tech spearheading groundbreaking projects in space exploration, satellite communication systems, and even establishing off-world colonies. Centurian War-tech is renowned for their mastery of magic, harnessing ancient arcane arts and employing powerful spellcasters to achieve unparalleled magical prowess. Their augmentations division push the boundaries of technological innovation, developing state-of-the-art cybernetic enhancements and genetic modifications that enhance physical and mental capabilities to extraordinary levels. This comprehensive range of strengths sets Centurian War-tech apart and positions them as a force to be reckoned with in the world of advanced technological warfare.


Centurion War-Tech did not always have the name Centurion War-Tech. Instead, it was called Centurion Industries, founded in 2010 as merely a heavy industry corporation, one of hundreds of them. This all changed in 2020 with a great dragon named Grardeim, who awoke in 2018 and spent two years getting acquainted in the world, bought the corporation in its entirety. Grardeim, after buying the corporation, remade it in its entirety into a war-corporation. During the following years of 2021 to 2050, Centurion War-Tech rose through the corporate rankings to Third place in the Big Ten, being a direct rival to Mitsuhama Computer Technologies. During 2060, Centurion War-Tech created a new type of Thorhammers shot called Ragnarok shells. By incorporating magical aspects, Centurion War-Tech developed Ragnarok shells, the most potent Thorhammers projectiles to date, with the ability to produce controlled, massively powerful explosions. This came into effect in 2075, when supposedly the lost Legion hacks 3 Thorhammers and bombards Mitsuhama Computer Technologies key locations, destroying the corporation. After this incident, Centurion War-Tech claimed Mitsuhama Computer Technologies spot as the second most powerful corporation in the world. Centurion War-Tech, in more recent times, has joined in the alliance of three other corporations, creating a big four.

Safeguarding Humanity from itself

Founding Date
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Controlled Territories
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A part of the Big Four

Both Grardeim and Lofwyr respect each other deeply and will help each other through their darkest time.

A part of the Big Four

A part of the Big Four


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