Rivtech “Lightning god” Sandevistan

The Rivtech "Lightning god" Sandevistan is renowned for its unparalleled speed enhancement capabilities. It employs cutting-edge technology that pushes the limits of human reflexes and agility to extraordinary levels. The Lightning God Sandevistan incorporates advanced neural interfaces and nano-scale processors to optimize the user's nervous system for enhanced speed and lightning-fast reaction times. This state-of-the-art Sandevistan is specifically tailored to the metatype and individual nervous system structure of the user, ensuring maximum performance and compatibility. Its customization process involves detailed analysis and calibration, making it a highly personalized piece of technology that perfectly synchronizes with the user's physiology. In combat situations, the Lightning God Sandevistan stands as a testament to Rivtech's commitment to pushing the boundaries of human potential.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Rivtech "Lightning god" Sandevistan is an extremely advanced Sandevistan, capable of turning the tides of a battle.   Internal components: The first component of the Lightning god is the neurotransmitter wires that hook onto the nerve endings that the original spine had hooked onto. They interface with the nerve endings via Nanomachines. Then, after approximately 2 minutes of hooking on to the original nerve endings, the processor kicks in, and the neural network-powered software and synaptic junctions activate and interface with the user’s consciousness, allowing for its activation on mental command. When the Lightning god activates, the user's reaction times and speed increase beyond superhuman levels. They can effortlessly dodge bullets, tech weapons fire, and even lightning. The speed increase is also quite drastic. Outpacing any land vehicle, evading missiles, and surpassing augmented metahumans are abilities possessed by the user. The user's natural bioelectricity powers the augmentation. External components: The outer shell of the Sandevistan is a black superalloy spine that is visible on top of the skin.
Item type
Creation Date
The Rivtech "Lightning god" Sandevistan is a very rare augmentation, only reserved for the elite of the elite in military personnel.
Only slightly heavier than the user's original spine
Replaces the user's entire spine
Base Price
350,000 Nuyen+


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