
Rivtech, led by the human Halcyon and based on a private island in the Atlantic Ocean, is an exceptionally influential AAA-Megacorporation. Its expertise lies in various domains such as warfare, energy, defense, and interdimensional travel. Rivtech holds immense power, to the extent that if any of the Big 10 corporations were to falter, Rivtech would swiftly assume their position.   Renowned for their superior firearms, power armor, and other cutting-edge military equipment, Rivtech has gained widespread admiration from military forces worldwide. Their commitment to delivering high-quality products has solidified their reputation as a trusted provider in the industry.


Rivtech's organizational structure is designed to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. At the top, we have Halcyon, a highly skilled and visionary leader, comparable to Damien Knight in terms of business acumen. Assisting him are his right-hand man, Mayhem, a formidable troll, and his left-hand lady, Pharaoh.   Beneath the head leadership, there are eight masters, each specializing in a specific field of Rivtech's advanced war technology. They are responsible for driving innovation and development within their respective areas, such as augmentations, warfare, or interdimensional travel.   To ensure smooth operations on a continental level, Rivtech has continent managers overseeing specific regions. For example, the continent manager of North America oversees all activities in that region exclusively. Regional managers further manage specific regions within a continent, with the number of regional managers varying based on the size and importance of the region.   The working force of Rivtech forms the backbone of the company, contributing to its day-to-day operations. It is worth noting that Rivtech operates at an exceptionally efficient level compared to other corporations.   Moreover, Rivtech maintains a network of shell companies, enabling them to employ Shadowrunners when needed without directly hiring them.   Overall, Rivtech's hierarchical structure ensures efficient management and operation while providing opportunities for advancement and responsibilities for its employees at different levels of leadership.


Rivtech culture is unique because it's highly friendly inside the corporation, but ruthless outside of the corporation. For starters, they absolutely despise people who attempt to leak their classified information out. If caught attempting to leak their technology out, they will use the person as test subjects for their new technology. Rivtech has an in-company motto that says. “Liars, leakers, and deceivers are our best test subjects.” That motto means that if you were to leak any sort of information out, you will be captured and used as a test subject. They also detest lying and backstabbing, and if you were to attempt to throw somebody under the bus and get caught, you will join the liars and leakers in the testing chambers. Similar to Centurion War-tech, if you own up to your mistakes, you probably won't receive severe punishment unless the mistake was catastrophic. It should be noted that they secretly keep the whole practice of capturing people and using them as test subjects. On a lighter note, Rivtech promotes collaboration, collective thinking, and thinking outside the box. They also encourage people inside the corporation to take up self-defense classes for both spiritual and physical improvements. They also have a tradition called the war games. The war games involve an Incomprehensibly advanced ultraviolet node facility located on their private island that is essentially an incomprehensibly advanced VR system, One that allows for the soldiers to train any environment known to mankind without actually being there. The Sanguine Shepherds extensively use their own personalized war game systems.


Rivtech, although not officially part of the Big Ten corporations, can be considered on par with them in terms of resources and capabilities. In fact, in some aspects, Rivtech even surpasses a few of the Big Ten corporations, particularly in military power. Rivtech boasts an exceptionally well-trained and highly skilled army, equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry and advanced technology. Their research facilities are renowned for their cutting-edge innovations and breakthroughs, enabling them to stay at the forefront of technological advancements. Furthermore, Rivtech's commitment to exploring the deeper Mana planes sets them apart from their counterparts, as they delve into the realms of magic and harness its potential for various applications. Through their extensive research into Mana manipulation, Rivtech is able to tap into extraordinary powers and uncover new possibilities, solidifying their position as a formidable force in the realm of both science and magic.


Rivtech was first created in 2020 by a private military company family, The Acrux family. The leader at the time, Copernicus, founded the corporation out of a need to keep up with the ever-changing world, and especially magic and the deeper Mana planes. Rivtech then revolutionized the entire war industry with the advent of reliable caseless weapons in 2030, legitimately changing the entire war industry. Then, in 2035, they officially announce expeditions into the Mana planes and the advent of a magical facility on their Private Island. Both initiatives achieved tremendous success as they found Mana planes rich with resources that they can use, and they discovered several groundbreaking applications about magic. However, in 2040, a tragedy struck Rivtech. They discovered the original founder, Copernicus, dead at his mansion. An unknown threat massacred him and his entire workforce at the mansion, and whatever attacked them particularly destroyed his body, leaving it in a mutilated state. After Copernicus's death, his son Halcyon took over the corporation. Not only that, Halcyon kept the corporation running as smoothly as it did, but he improved upon it. And so, in 2050, Halcyon emerged as a superior leader than his father. During 2078, they unveiled their magnum opus in power armor research, the RM13 combat armor. This armor revolutionizes the power armor industry, with its unique molecularly reinforced layered carbine/living metal armor plates, hyperweave bodysuit, and highly advanced features, changing everything about how power armor should be. During 2087, they announced an alliance with the Mystical Physical Energy Defence Research Agency or otherwise known as MPEDR in their exploration of the deeper mana planes. And so now, in 2101, they continue to be an extremely prominent and powerful corporation.

Revolutionizing the War Machine

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