RM20 autoshotgun

The RM20 autoshotgun is a powerful automatic shotgun meant for room clearing and massacring enemies at close range. The RM20 autoshotgun earns the love of elites due to its high reliability and power. It can tear through multiple individuals wearing body armor and remain resilient, even when used as a melee weapon.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The RM20 autoshotgun is a powerful close combat weapon, able to tear through multiple people with absolute ease.   Internal components: The RM20 autoshotgun utilizes a caseless firing system to propel its 20x66mm shotgun shells. The RM20 autoshotgun features reinforced internals, a three-round burst or fully automatic fire with a flick of a switch, and a very modular design. It can accept 20 or 40 round mags and can be loaded with a wide variety of shells.   External components: The outer casing of the weapon is made of steel and carbon fibers.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
The RM20 autoshotgun is only available to military organizations, and is usually given out to their elites or close combat experts.
Overall length: 103
Base Price
5,000 Nuyen


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