The Tear in The Neverplane | World Anvil
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The Tear

The Tear is a white breach in the sky above the Grandmaster Tower which connects the material plane with the Neverplane. Very little is known about the tear.  


The Tear Opens, Crisis Begins.
The Tear first appeared in 852 coinciding with the beginning of The Crisis, causing many to believe that the Tear was responsible for etherbeings suddenly attacking mortals. Following the conclusion of the Crisis, the Tear remained open and dormant in the sky.   Many mortals feared that the Tear would cause another Crisis in the future. Some believe their fears to have been validated in 999 when the dormant tear suddenly expanded across the sky. This expansion came with etherbeings becoming slightly more aggressive, but far from being on the same level as etherbeing aggression during the Crisis. Still, many people believe that this marks the beginning of a second Ether Crisis.   The expanded tear wraps all the way around Elos, the cracks are visible in the sky from any location.  


Shortly after the Tear expanded, Void fell out of it into the Caravina Sea. Void claims to be the Tear manifest.
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