The neverplane Party Returns to Néos Miléa (III)
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Party Returns to Néos Miléa (III)

Life, Relocation

26/6 14:00
28/6 9:00

Party returns to Néos Miléa. Lucretius leaves the party as soon as they arrive. Party asks Pelle about resurrecting etherbeings, Pelle says that etherbeings play by different rules from mortals and thus he can't. Morose suggests asking an etherbiologist, but asks to keep one of the ether cores the party has so he can research it. Morose teaches Lurog remove curse. Pelle tells the party about Oasis (as it appeared in the Onir Pantheon). The party decides to speak with Dante's old etherbiology professor, Wit. The party is invited to a party by Penny. The party looks for Lucretius and discover he went to the Grandmaster Tower.

Related Location
Néos Miléa
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