Lucretius Oakshy Character in The Neverplane | World Anvil
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Lucretius Oakshy

Seeker Lucretius Reigen Venicius Mattiniah Aurelius Oakshy

Lucretius is the current High Seeker of the Seekers of the White Sign after killing Luna Sims. While part of the cult, Lucretius volunteered as a test subject in exchange for Luna naming him her successor. As part of the experiment he was given a ether core and exposed to the Neverplane, fully etherifying him. At the time he was unaware that Luna had modified the cores she used for the experiments to allow her to control and kill anyone with a core in them.
Etheric Signature
White, strong Neverplane influence.
Current Status
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
956 43 Years old
Aligned Organization