The neverplane Party Investigates Rhylstone Seekers
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Party Investigates Rhylstone Seekers

20/6 9:00
21/6 21:00

The party investigates Rhylstone disguised as seekers. They find Gorrok who has had his memories modified by the Seekers and is now a preacher.   They find the Grandmaster ritual location. They discover the laboratoy below the church and learn about the ether experiments, they learn about the generator, and free the keepers being held captive there (recruiting Anah in the process). Dante breaks the control buttons, which causes the etherified test subjects to die and leave behind their ether cores.   The party confronts Luna, temporarily taking Lucretius as an ally. During the battle Luna takes control of Dante and Lucretius. The party kills Luna, retrieves Gorrok, and leaves Rhylstone with him and Lucretius.

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