Black Globe Generator

Black Globe generators are a rare and highly advanced form of energy shielding that had begun to enter service with the Sol Sector Fleet, and a few other of the more technologically advanced forces in the galaxy just before the Great Cataclysm. At its most basic level, the Black Globe generator is a variation of the jump drive that creates a partial jump bubble without actually sending the object inside into Jumpspace. This jump bubble creates a barrier around the protected object that prevents any matter or energy (with the only known exception being transmissions from an Ansible) entering or leaving the bubble. This barrier essentially makes the protected object immune to all forms of incoming damage, so long as it can sustain the energy output of the bubble, though failure in this regard leads to explosive consequences.
The discovery of Black Technology is the result of attempting to reverse engineer a technology found on Pardian data wafers, this device, dubbed the "White Globe" which allowed for one way shielding, thus allowing for a protected object to send things out of the shield while leaving them protected from incoming dangers. Attempting to replicate the White Globe proved beyond the means of human science at the time, and therefore only a handful of functioning relics could ever be put into human service (or more often hidden away in private collections or labs for future study). The attempt by the Stellar League Interstellar Shipyards research team however, managed to create, a functional, if imperfect device that blocked both directions. This device, the first Black Globe Generator was installed on many vessels within the Sol Sector Fleet and was initially a powerful secret weapon that allowed for the nipping of many small scale rebellions in the bud, before some examples were stolen and reverse engineered by other well developed shipbuilders.


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