
The ansible is a technology, reverse engineered from data recovered on Pardian data wafers, that allow what was once thought completely impossible, faster than light communication. This technology, developed just before the Jred Scourge, and requiring a truly staggering amount of resources to operate is quite rare however, and the few working ansibles are jealously guarded by the states that posses them.   An ansible works by creating a jump bubble, and projecting information via Telepathy into the jump bubble, which then enters jump space, and either, in theory, reaches its target in jump space, or reaching a tranceiver out of it. The subject may, in certain cases redirect a single message back, though this requires a relatively advanced transeiver that are only found in the most technologically developed states. The message in this case must have a specific target for the message or otherwise the message gets lost in jumpspace. This means that information can only be sent to receivers on friendly ships. The actual structure of the ansible also varies depending on the psionic power of the telepathic operators. One of the strange elements of jumpspace and jump bubbles is that it generally requires a massive object, usually one capable of maintaining a jump bubble in order to not be utterly destroyed by the entropic nature of jump space, thoughts and data, lacking mass are very hard to keep intact, and therefore requires a very strong telepath, or a lot of expended energy to maintain. It is believed that Pardians, who were very powerful telepaths needed relatively small facilities. Humanity however, requires truly enormous facilities, and the expenditure of several thousands of tons of liquid hydrogen to send single messages, which makes the development of ansibles a difficult prospect for all but the most economically powerful of states. The strategic benefits of being able to communicate at speeds faster than light are so great that states that can maintain ansibles and receivers for them typically do so, at least for military vessels.   There are currently only a handful of working ansibles in the known galaxy, and they are typically only possessed by states with a high level of technological and economic development, with only one known exception, these are are primarily located in the Sol Sector. They are generally jeaously guarded strategic assets, and heavily defended. The known ansibles are the Phobos Ansible in the Sol System and owned by the Union of Sol, the Taurus Ansible in the Alpha Centauri System, the Justinian Ansible in the Byzantion System, and the Liberador Ansible located in the Neuva Catalonia System of the Cincastrella Confederacy. There are other states trying to construct ansibles, in various states of progress, but it is expected that these ansibles will be the only ones in operation for at least a decade.


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